Refurb - Sachse Tx w/ Bi-Carb Startup

Re: Refurb - Sachse, Tx

LOL I see it now. I say either one would work and look good. How dark is the gray?


Hard to say from internet pictures but it appears to be medium to light gray. Wife and I are leaning toward black in hopes it will just disappear. Another possibility might be plastic paint to try to match the blue tiles. This needs more investigation on durability and longevity issues.
Re: Refurb - Sachse, Tx w/ Bi-Carb Startup

Day 15 Readings

6:30 AM
pH 8.0 - Added 7oz MA targeting 7.8

8:00 PM
FC 4.5 - lost 5.5 ppm on partially cloudy day? I am going to add 67oz 12.5% bleach targeting FC 10. However, I will take another reading before bed to determine how much strength this chlorine actually has.
CC 0.5
pH 7.8

10:00 PM
FC 8.0 - Per PoolMath that equates to about 8.25% bleach - Next time I go to Walmart or Kroger for my chlorine. The value of measurements and data! Added 36oz 8.25% bleach to target FC 10.0
Day 16 Readings

6:30 AM
pH 8.2 - Added 13oz MA targeting 7.8; Interesting piece of info. Last night I manually started the pump so I could check the FC @ 10:00. I neglected to turn it off and it ran all night and raised the pH significantly. No aereation other than pump running. It was off all day until 5:00 PM. pH @ 6:30 was still 7.8. I am going to continue to run the pump 24x7 to enable pH rise and MA add to drop TA into "normal" range before vacation. per PoolMath I need another 90oz of MA to drop TA to 100 (from 130).

6:30 PM
FC 5.5 - lost 4.5 ppm
pH 7.8

Turned my waterfalls and sprayers on for 1/2 hour to circulate the stale water out.
The CH only needs to be adjusted if your CSI is too low once you get things stabilized. I caution most people before raising the CH because it cannot be lowered without draining and it's much more practical to deal with a slightly higher TA than CH for the short time it takes the calcium level to rise.
Happy Monday to all!

Nothing exciting to report over the weekend. I have stopped boring everyone and consuming storage with daily reading postings.

Continue to check pH twice daily and lowering to 7.8 as needed.
Continue to check TA every second day. It did drop to 120 yesterday evening. per PoolMath, I need to add another 60oz MA to drop TA another 20ppm to get to 100. At typically 14oz MA/day I am 4-5 days away.
Continue to check FC in the evening (after sun is off the pool). It has been losing about 4ppm/day.

I did find some very fresh (17 212) chlorine bleach (8.25%) @ Walmart on Saturday.

Just a note: While grocery shopping on Sunday I noticed the Kroger brand has a use-by date so no way to tell how old it really is.
Use by date for bleach?? I wonder how long THEY think it will last until it is water???

Okay Paul, you have your training wheels off! Time to start popping in on other threads and start reading. Then BAM you will see one you can answer! It will be quite a rush! I can't wait to see it!


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Unfortunately I do have a day job......LOL

I have posted on a few Kim. The most important was helping a lady troubleshoot her pump electrical issue and helping her discover in fact she did have a timer....... the electrician and PB didn't help except to take her money.
This is day 22 of bi-carb startup.

pH continues to rise to 8.0 every 12 hours. MA @ 7oz is added each time. TA has dropped to 110 as of yesterday evening.

I am losing roughly 3.5 to 4.0 FC per day. This seems in line with pools in the south and heat of the summer. Requires around 1/2 gallon (give or take) of 8.25% bleach to bring it back up to 10 at night. Note: CYA is calculated at 73.

Now my quandary - Brian looking for guidance from you.

I am leaving for vacation in two weeks and will be gone 16 days. I have made arrangements to have 1/2 gallon bleach added each day to keep from using pucks and increasing CYA any further (yeah!). I plan to stock up on 1/2 gallon bottles to simplify the chore. However, with the pH continuing to rise at a steady rate (minimal rate of change delta from TA of 140 to 110) how do I manage this while I am gone? Should I start dropping pH down to 7.2/7.4 to drive the TA down quicker which will slow the pH rise?
I am grateful to get someone to drop by and add a jug of bleach each day. Doing daily pH measurements and MA add is probably asking too much. I might be able to get them to do it once or twice.

I'll drive the TA down over the next week and see how the pH is responding after that. The sequestrant is a great suggestion. Thank you!
Alright time for an update. I have been dropping the pH to 7.2 (along with running pump 24x7 & aeriating the pool) the past three days to drive the TA down towards 80 in hopes the pH rise will slow considerably. After this morning's dosage of MA (+1 hour) I moved the pump back to normal schedule of 5-8 AM & PM with no aeriation. This evenings readings are as follow:

Day 25 6:30 PM Readings

FC 8.0 (cloudy most of the day)
CC 0.5
pH 7.2
TA 82 (It went just slightly redder with 9th drop). Yes Suz I know, I should call it 90.... but I didn't :p
Temp 87
CH 200 - First time in a while I have measured. It has crept up from the original measurement of 160.
CYA 73 - calculated with PoolMath based on tabs used and stabilizer added. Measurement is agreeing close enough.
CSI -0.49 - The sweet spot (near 0) will be pH of 7.6 - 7.8

I am going to watch it the next several days and chart the pH rise so I can estimate if I will need to take any action (get someone to add MA) while on vacation. I will be adding a bottle of sequestriant as Brian recommended for cheap insurance prior to hitting the road.

Grandkids (and Grampa/Grandma) have been in the pool a quite a bit the past few days!
Thanks Kim! Life is all about helping each other. I have my eye on my son and daughter in-laws 2 year old pool. Time to get a water sample and analyze it.

We have had 2.5" of rain since yesterday. It was pouring this morning so no pH measurements were made :confused:. I suspect daily checks now will work just fine anyhow. Dear wife is ready to rid the patio of water testing & MA stations......

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