Ready set 10’ x 30”


May 25, 2024
I did a quick search through the threads and read the temporary setup article but I didn’t feel it was clear on what I am asking. We live in Texas where it’s INSANELY hot. Already 90 F here. I filled my 10’x30” ready set with inflatable ring and 330 ppm cartridge filter this morning using well water that’s treated with an iron breaker and salt treatment system. We still get a small orange tinge ring in our water in the toilets and showers but it’s subtle and nothing like before we got the treatment system. I am 100% sure the water in our house also runs through the system. I ordered Hrh test strips, bleach, borax, and baking soda. I turned the pump on for 6 hours. It looks crystal clear now but it’s only been full for a few hours. Do I need to test it first? Do I add a floating chlorine puck AND bleach or I just do the bleach? Do I do the bleach before we get in the first time or after? Do I need CYA all the time or just under certain circumstances? Sorry if this is redundant somewhere. I didn’t think it was clear. I gathered I need to add 1/2 a cup of bleach but when? SIDE NOTE: it’s supposed to rain this evening and I don’t have a cover yet. What will this do to everything (since it’s still rainy season). Thanks so much!
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Are you going to treat this as a Temporary pool or permanent pool? How you test and manage your chemistry depends on that answer.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
Thanks for the response. I was hoping to leave it up for the summer so 3.5 months or so. It stays hot here until almost October, honestly. I read through several articles here but wasn’t sure if everything was the same for such a small pool so I went to the temporary pool article and didn’t feel I understood.
Follow the steps in the article. Just make sure you understand Step 7. If the water becomes cloudy or any algae, the water is dumped and you start over.
Follow the steps in the article. Just make sure you understand Step 7. If the water becomes cloudy or any algae, the water is dumped and you start over.
I am sorry if I seem dense but I guess I am still trying to figure out what I need to add in what order… do I add the cya first then wait 10 min and test before I add something for ph then wait 10 min before I add bleach? I don’t see any mention about if a floating puck is desirable in this size pool either. We haven’t been in the water yet and just want to make sure I set it up well from the start.
As the article states. You need a simple drop based test kit. You add stabilizer / CYA. You add chlorine, either liquid chlorine or plain bleach, etc.
It does not say anywhere about using a floating puck. If you do that, your CYA will go up. That complicates things.
Please read the article. I can restate it here, but it is simple as reading and following the steps.
As the article states. You need a simple drop based test kit. You add stabilizer / CYA. You add chlorine, either liquid chlorine or plain bleach, etc.
It does not say anywhere about using a floating puck. If you do that, your CYA will go up. That complicates things.
Please read the article. I can restate it here, but it is simple as reading and following the steps.
I have. Several times. I promise. Different folks learn things differently. To me it’s not precise enough. It makes no mention of waiting between chemicals and if each chemical need be tested after adding the previous requiring multiple tests. If starting from ground zero, as I am, I would have hoped for something that spelled it out more plainly. Ie “add the CYA and bleach at the same time and test again in 24 hours” or add Cya and wait half an hour or an hour or a day and then test again and once level is x add bleach and do the same until x. Thanks anyways.

That article is more towards a permanent, large pool but it may help with what you are looking for.

Only two items you do not want to add at the same time is liquid chlorine and muriatic acid. Otherwise, no big deal to put stuff in close to one another.
Thank you. I think my only other question for the moment is if the bag of cya says wait 24 hours after adding to use the pool, is that typical or just this brand? Is that truly necessary? Kiddos are anxious to enjoy. Thanks again.

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