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    • M
      mroarb replied to the thread Ready set 10’ x 30”.
      Thank you again.
    • M
      mroarb replied to the thread Ready set 10’ x 30”.
      Thank you. I think my only other question for the moment is if the bag of cya says wait 24 hours after adding to use the pool, is that...
    • M
      mroarb replied to the thread Ready set 10’ x 30”.
      I have. Several times. I promise. Different folks learn things differently. To me it’s not precise enough. It makes no mention of...
    • M
      mroarb replied to the thread Ready set 10’ x 30”.
      I am sorry if I seem dense but I guess I am still trying to figure out what I need to add in what order… do I add the cya first then...
    • M
      mroarb replied to the thread Ready set 10’ x 30”.
      Thanks for the response. I was hoping to leave it up for the summer so 3.5 months or so. It stays hot here until almost October...
    • M
      mroarb reacted to mknauss's post in the thread Ready set 10’ x 30” with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forum! Are you going to treat this as a Temporary pool or permanent pool? How you test and manage your chemistry depends...
    • M
      I did a quick search through the threads and read the temporary setup article but I didn’t feel it was clear on what I am asking. We...
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