PVC fountain in Polaris port

Jul 24, 2016
Austin, Texas
With the hot weather, I attempted to cool off the pool water using a PVC fountain that screws into the Polaris port. Eh, can't say it really did anything for the water temperature, but kids sure love playing in it. I tried to unscrew it from the port today and I can't even get it to budge. It just screwed in like anything else so I have no idea why it isn't just unscrewing like anything else. Is there a trick to removing them?
Can you take a picture? Is the PVC fountain one that was purchased at a pool store or Amazon? Or did you construct yourself. The one I have has notches for removing everything, and I am assuming for this type of reason. Once you get this out, I suggest you use a regular return jet. I like my fountain and use it to raise PH as my solar cover lowers the PH.

Also, did the fountain go into the adapter for the port or just the return?
I just made one of these myself and it actually cooled the pool 3-4 degrees. You have to make sure you get the stream shooting up and out enough. As far as the Polaris port. I have never had that problem. Try turning the pump off before removing, it makes it easier.
It's the Splash Pools 30700 Waterfall Pool Fountain purchased on Amazon. I just tried it again with the pump off and still nothing. I can disassemble the other parts, but I can't remove this last bit from the wall.

To get it in, I unscrewed the Polaris connector and connected the fountain since they were the same size . I used the Polaris port so I wouldn't have to remove a return jet eyeball. Aside from the booster pump, isn't that just another 1.5" threaded return?

If you are not successful by hand, take large pliers and a towel (wash cloth). Wrap the towel (wash cloth) around the piece without the notches. With slight pressure against the unit, turn counter clock wise and this should do the trick. If you tightened this by hand, you will be able to remove with pliers. As the unit budges, no more pliers and then by hand. If you stripped the threads, it will be harder, but should work. You can also try facing forward, but probably will need to be in the pool.

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Okay! So today I turned off the pump, got into the pool, busted out the pliers (and wash cloth). I tried it on the non-notched part. Nothing. I tried it on the notched part. Nothing. I tried it while pushing. Nothing. (Although this part of it just screws in. There is an adapter that is normally screwed into here that the polaris plugs into which requires a push in and a turn, but what the heck, I'll try anything.) Aaaaany other ideas? For right now, it's still 99 degrees out so the fountain is just fine, but once the temperature drops and the leaves fall, it might not be an awful idea to be able to use the pressure side cleaner again so if I could get this removed by like October, that'd be awesome. :D
How about without a wash cloth. Also, (can not remember), the wrenches that dial in like vice grips straight on the plastic. This will put enough pressure on the plastic where you can turn it. Maybe the wash cloth is slipping and there is not enough grip.

Once I could not removing something for the life of me. Had to do with a sprinkler head and the plastic piece broke inside and I could not unscrew. So I improvised. Of course this is harder because you are in water. I went in with a hand saw (from inside) and slowly notched out the plastic. I can not imagine that this is jammed that tight unless the threads are stripped. Outside of this, you may want to call in a professional as it would be better to spend a little money and not damage the pool.
I would call a company that works on pools. Never have seen this situation before. Unless you want to attempt to cut the piece out from inside out? You would first cut the long end so you have room to cut inside. Is the adapter inside the Polaris fitting, or just the adapter went into the skimmer wall fitting?
Okay. I was able to find a vid that shows how the fitting screws into the return. From your picture, it looks like you didn't loosen the lock ring enough before you screwed in the fountain fitting. So what you have to do is unscrew the fountain fitting and the lock ring at the same time. It all turns counter clock wise. It's going to be a lot harder then you expect, but it should come out. You might even need to use a GENTLE tap to get it free. Once you get it out, remember to unscrew the lock ring a good bit before you screw in the fountain fitting. You should be able to see threads between the ring and the fountain fitting.
It's out! It took a very gentle tap with a rubber mallet to budge it counterclockwise, but that was enough to loosen it a tiny bit and from there it unscrewed easily by hand. Whew. Okay so this lock ring is a separate piece? How would I go about separating it from the other piece of the PVC fountain?

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