Pump replacement


May 18, 2023
Good morning everyone.
I have been visiting this site on and off but this is the first time I am posting as I have no where else to ask.
Long story short, we had a vinyl pool (14' x 28', 3' and 5' depth) built in '21. It took them all summer long as the contractor, we found out during construction, had no idea how to manage a project.
After many issues the pool was done but we didn't get to use it that year.
Coming last year (2022) we opened the pool and everything was ok (except the heat pump, which still trips the breaker if I don't turn it off first, then increase the temperature setting manually as it always trips the breaker if left in automatic mode) but when the first electrical bill came with summer rates we were shocked with a bill of $580 (vs an average of $180 before the pool was built)
At this point I realize that the installed pump was not the one listed in the contract. I know, it's my fault for not checking before but I didn't know anything about pool pumps!
The contractor had a Pentair superflo 1hp single-speed pump installed versus the Whisperflo variable-speed they had listed in the contract.
I have contacted the contractor and they blocked my number and refused to replace the pump. I have filed a complaint with the BBB but don't think that will help much.
I don't have an unlimited budget and I consider myself somehow handy, although no expert on anything (except computers)
My question is, would I be able to replace this pump myself if I just buy the pump online? Seems that a drop in replacement would be the Superflo VS or even a Black & Decker pump so I don't have to mess with the plumbing.
Any chance someone here live in Omaha, NE that can help?
Thanks is advance. Pic attached.


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Ok, I just read another post with a similar issue and seems that B&D pumps are ok. Price helps as well. The only issue is that I won't be able to run it from my pentair control panel :(
Just a note to add as well, yesterday a local pool company quoted me $2,790 to replace my single speed with a VSP.

Are you sure your current pump is a SuperFlo? It looks like a WhisperFlo to me, but I could be wrong.. Can you show better pics of the wet end of the pump?

Seems to me that if it is a SuperFlo, you can just replace it with a SuperFlo VS that can be controlled by your automation.

If it is a WhisperFlo, it can be replaced by an IntelliFlo VS, that can be controlled by your automation.

Your current pump is installed with pump unions, so to install a new pump, no plumbing would be required. (If you install the right pump)

Please see if you can get us any info off the wet end of your current pump.


Jim R.
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Are you sure your current pump is a SuperFlo? It looks like a WhisperFlo to me, but I could be wrong.. Can you show better pics of the wet end of the pump?

Seems to me that if it is a SuperFlo, you can just replace it with a SuperFlo VS that can be controlled by your automation.

If it is a WhisperFlo, it can be replaced by an IntelliFlo VS, that can be controlled by your automation.

Your current pump is installed with pump unions, so to install a new pump, no plumbing would be required. (If you install the right pump)

Please see if you can get us any info off the wet end of your current pump.


Jim R.
Thanks for the info. Yes, it is a superflo so I will buy the cable as well. Here are better pics.


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Just thought to update the post in case anyone has the same question about the superflo VS replacement.
I went ahead and ordered the pump, which arrived the next day, so I replaced it this weekend. Pic attached.
No plumbing required in my case as everything aligned properly. Very easy to program after watching a couple videos. Now I'm trying to make it work on my intellicenter but I'll open a different threads because it mostly about wiring.
Good luck!


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For the IntelliCenter to control your pump there has to be a RS-485 cable connected between the connector on the pump's control head and the RS-485 com port in the IntelliCenter.

The pump's manual shows how to do it with pics.


Jim R.
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