Pressure on pump is high and it's freezing outside

Jun 27, 2012
Allen TX
Last week the pressure on my filter was high so I changed out the filter for a new one and the problem was solved. Today I checked the pump and it's high again. If it's the filter, I can't clean it until the weekend with our temps in the 20s all week. I'm wondering what will happen if I take the filter out and let it run for a few days that way. Not sure if that will resolve the pressure problem but thought I'd start there. I've never run the pump without the cartridge in it so wondered if that would be worse than the high pressure.
Rising filter pressure as you are describing often points towards an algae issue. It's interesting however as temps here in most of the states are quite cold. Could you run the pump with no cartridge in it?...... - sure. If it's a matter of "pump survival" and simply keeping the water moving until you can get time to work on everything that may be your best/only choice. But here are some things I would recommend answering for us to help us get you some more advice:
1 - What is your location (city, state, country, province?) Makes a big difference for us.
2 - Please update your signature with all of your pool info
3 - How are you testing your water? TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C we hope?
4 - Please provide a full set of test results. It may point directly to your problem.
5 - How does the water look? Clear, cloudy, green, etc?

Let's start there and we'll do the best we can to assist. Happy New Year!
As Pat said, please edit your signature and add the following information so we can better frame our answers to you.

  • List what test kit you use to test your water
  • The size of your pool in gallons
  • If your pool is an AG (above ground) or IG (in ground)
  • If it's IG, tell us if it's vinyl, plaster/pebble, or fiberglass
  • The type filter you have (sand, DE, cartridge)
  • If you know, tell us the make and model of your pump and filter.
  • List any other equipment you have: SWG, second pump, etc.
  • Please mention if you fill the pool from a well or are currently on water restrictions

Information in your signature will show up each time you post and it makes advice more accurate as we know what equipment we are dealing with.
Hi and thanks for the quick reply. I live in Allen TX north of Dallas. My pool size is 15,000, and I use the Taylor K-2006 test kit. I tested the water a few days ago after adding liquid chlorine to shock it after it had rained pretty hard for several days. The chlorine at that point was 10 ppm - but not sure what it is now. The pressure was high then so I replaced the filter and thought I was good. The water is clear - there's some leaves in the bottom but not bad. My ph was low and that was unusual with the leaves in it so thought I would wait to see if it comes up a little. I have a Jandy skimmer filter and gauge. I just went out and checked the filter - it doesn't look very dirty. I have a skimmer sock in the skimmer that I just took out and replaced. I have a guard around the skimmer to keep the leaves from clogging it but water can still get in. I tried to adjust the skimmer pressure but the needle just stays pointing straight up no matter how i adjust the valve - I've never had a problem with that so wonder if that might be causing my pressure problem. Just worried that something will explode and I'll be stuck with an ice rink in the morning....
Does the pressure gauge go to zero if you turn the pump off?

As requested please put your pool info in your signature, Settings in upper right of page, and your location under member profile.

Take care
Have you been maintaining your FC based on [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]? If your filter is plugging that quickly it sounds like algae. I know your water is cold but was the FC maintained earlier when the water was above 60 F? Algae is not always visible. Though your water typically at least looks 'dull'.
I keep the FC usually between 5 and 8 and add several bottles of grocery store chlorine 8.25 % each week unless I see some algae then I add more until it clears up. The CYA is usually between 20 and 40. Several years ago the CYA level was way over 100 and the algae was hard to control but a leak in the return line solved that problem for me. Now I use liquid chlorine and add my own CYA and also use Phos Free and the algae hasn't been such a problem.
Why not do a full set of tests? You have the test kit for it. Better than guessing.

Pros Free is unnecessary. But also could plug up your filter. When was the last time you used it?

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Why not do a full set of tests? You have the test kit for it. Better than guessing.

Pros Free is unnecessary. But also could plug up your filter. When was the last time you used it?

I put in a brand new filter a couple of days ago and the Phos Free about 2 weeks ago. I don't see any algae, my water is clear and blue. When the pressure went up I thought my 2 year old filter was getting clogged so I took it out, sprayed it with filter cleaner and used my high pressure nozzle to clean it, put it back in and the pressure was still high. I took it out, filled my city recycle cart with water and muratic acid and let it sit in that for a couple of hours, hosed it off and put it back in but still the pressure was high. When I put in the new filter the pressure went down to about 5 and I was relieved because I knew it was going to freeze sometime in the next couple of days (today) and thought I didn't have to worry about something breaking. But when I went out to check on it this afternoon it was back up to 30. Since I don't really have time to do the full monty shock tonight, my question was - could I just take out the filter and let it run for a few days like that until the temp comes back into the 50s this weekend and I can clean it - or whatever I need to do. I'm just afraid if the pressure gets much higher something might break and I'll be stuck with a frozen mess. It's supposed to get down to 16 degrees tonight.
Be aware that your pump may cavitate without the filter providing back pressure. If you have a valve after the filter you can pinch it closed some to give yourself 5 psi or so of back pressure.
A one time shock is not going to do you any good. You will need to do a SLAM with testing and dosing at least 4 times a day.

Yes you can take the cartridge out and run the pump to keep your water moving so nothing freezes. I would test and dose the FC up to SLAM level when you do so. It will have a chance to kill whatever is in your water over night. Then dose it again in the morning.

On work days test and dose like this:

-morning after starting the coffee
-right after you get home from work (make sure to cover or remove good clothes)
-at dinner time
-right before bed

That will get you started until the weekend.

Clear water at (I'm guessing) in the 50 degree range, 2 day old filter, light debris... I'm not seeing this being an algae issue. I'm in Houston and once the water temps drop below 65, my chlorine use is very nominal, and I run older pools which are very algae prone. I'd look for an obstruction downstream from the filter, in the heater, a wayward actuator, return valves, check valves etc. The acid test will be to see what the psi does when the system is running without the filters in.
Ditto on the check valve. If broken (flapper type), they can open for a while and then close on you simulating a clogged filter.
Clear water at (I'm guessing) in the 50 degree range, 2 day old filter, light debris... I'm not seeing this being an algae issue. I'm in Houston and once the water temps drop below 65, my chlorine use is very nominal, and I run older pools which are very algae prone. I'd look for an obstruction downstream from the filter, in the heater, a wayward actuator, return valves, check valves etc. The acid test will be to see what the psi does when the system is running without the filters in.

May nailed it need to establish a control here by running your pump wout cartridge in filter housing. If you get same 30psi, then it's not the filter/cartridge.

Does the filter gauge drop to 0 when pump is off? Trying to see if you could have a bad gauge?

Are all of your skimmers completely empty of leaves/debris and suction lines working well? Is your water level at proper levels?

Here's your steps:

1. run system w out cartridge in filter system, report gauge pressure?
2. if pressure stays at 30 psi, you have a valve or clogging issue somewhere...
3. perform an OLCT - you need to determine if you have an algae problem anyway. this will dictate a SLAM or not.

Let's see what you have w the above...if your pressure does drop a lot w cartridge out, as Marty says, you will need to adjust a valve [by closing some] to simulate backpressure. If pressure does not drop, you either have a clogged line somewhere or a valve issue.
I have a similar problem in Dallas TX with temp below freezing for past few days, my pressure has started to increase. This afternoon it shot up to 40, normally 10. I tested the water and low in chlorine, but clear water, i have started to slam. I also put some blankets over the filter and pressure gauge. The pressure dropped to 30 within 1 hour.

I think my issue maybe Combo of both gauge freezing and chlorine.
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