Possible to add steps to sand bottom IG pool?

Aug 6, 2018
We are getting a new liner put in in the Spring and I'm interested in adding concrete or maybe steel steps that go below the liner. I asked the company that is replacing our liner if they would do it, but they advised against it. They said that the steps would sink a bit each year, since we have a sand bottom, so we should instead just add steps that go over the liner. It seems as though you could anchor the steps into the concrete on the sides to prevent it from sinking. I'm just curious if people have found this to be true. I'm inclined to believe them, but also think they probably don't want to have to go through the hassle of sub contracting this out.

The pool is 15x30, oval shape, sand bottom.

IF there were some way to put something flat under the steps such as plywood or concrete slab that should stop them from sinking. It WILL add to the cost as you will have to get a custom liner made as well as the extra work putting in the steps. Any thing is possible with a big enough wallet.

Adding members or materials under the stair will offer no advantage over a competent sub base.

OP - you are correct, regards to fastening unit to wall members.

I do it often. This step added about 9k to the job, 2 years ago.

This a very old pool with a sand bottom.

Steps can be formed & poured, or steel fabrication.

Pictured is a free form sand bottom.

Steps can also be added outside of the pools footprint, but that’s a major production.

This work isn’t for every pool contractor, many won’t don’t have the resources or simply don’t want to be boggged down when super busy.
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