Pool with Kids

Thanks Kim! Great points.. Yelling vs Screaming.. and Wave and Go Your Way.

It's just disappointing as we are super easy going family so it sucks that we have neighbours that are upset over something like this..

I am a Kindergarten teacher...............do you want me to bring my class of 21 kids over??? Now THAT is noise they will NEVER forget!!! My only rule while they are outside playing is no screaming. Screaming is only for if you are bleeding out or dying! Yelling is okay but NOT screaming...........I had one that loved to just swing and scream :roll: I had to break that habit fast! Like I said other than that it is all good!

Smile when you see them with a cute wave then go about your way. Do NOT engage them or allow them to engage you. You are being an awesome parent letting the kids play and have fun! Keep doing it!!! :hug:

I believe in addition to your posted noise regulation hours that you are also able to have late parties as long as the neighbors are notified in advance. Notified, not asked. :devilish: :devilish: :stirpot:
Clear you mind of them and enjoy YOUR life with your wonderful family!! Oh and you might need to do a "lesson" to teach the difference between a yell and a scream. You should see the kid's faces when I do that at school "Now this is yelling-YAHOO, HI FRIEND! and this is screaming EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" :shock: LOL It gets their attention and is very effective.

Now go give those kids a hug and throw them in the pool for me!!! :hug:

Tell them your new puppy will be coming home soon. And in 6 months your kids will be the least of their worries.
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The bottom line is that this is just as much your neighborhood as it is theirs....something the older couple may need a polite yet firm reminder of if there is ever another confrontation. You're violating no rules or covenants. It isnt a retirement commmunity. The kids have every right to enjoy themselves in their pool. Kids make noise, its just what they do. I think the real issue is these people never had kids, or especially, grandkids. I'll bet they'd be singing a different tune.

We're very lucky in that regard. We have neighbors, an older couple, empty nesters, whose back deck is in ear shot of our pool. Theyre a lovely couple. Some times when my kids have their friends over, it can get a little loud.
Little girls tend to squeal a lot, and teenage boys are just plain boisterous.. Told my neighbor that If noise ever becomes an issue to let me know immediately.. They said no, the sound of kids having fun is music to their ears, and reminds them when they had a houseful.
Their kids and grandkids have an open invitation to use our pool when they are in town (though they havent taken us up on it ).
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They have been here for 30+ years.. I don't think they are going anywhere. ;)

Old and never had kids explains it all.

Tell them you will introduce them to a realtor who is really nice, and that you and your family are going to be around for a long time.

Kids need to be kids and having fun is a very important part of life. You might want your kids to start learning to play drums, lol!
Sure here it is - their email to us as well as I think they have sent it to city by laws:

Hi, I am wondering if you could please have the kids lower the noise when they are in the pool. There is a lot of screaming which comes across very loud. I appreciate they want to play and have fun but noise really carries in these small backyards as we all live so close. Visitors may not realize this.
I am sure with your cooperation we can find a way that we can all equally enjoy our yards. We had to come in the house this afternoon due to the excessive noise level.


I suggest that you give our address to your neighbor.. I'd like to hear their side of the story..

I suspect it will be slightly different than yours. :)


Jim R.
Now, wait.... that wasn't really a rude email. More a frustrated one. And it does mention "screaming" vs just yelling loud while playing. I guess I would try to explain to the kids that plain old screaming is to be avoided. They're old enough to understand, I'm sure.

I'm saying this as a night shift nurse who has tried to sleep thru all this sort of thing and it is hard.

Maddie :flower:
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Thanks for your kind response. Will pay more attention as the weather gets better. The kids are loud that's for sure but will keep an eye out on yelling vs screaming. Thanks for sharing.

Now, wait.... that wasn't really a rude email. More a frustrated one. And it does mention "screaming" vs just yelling loud while playing. I guess I would try to explain to the kids that plain old screaming is to be avoided. They're old enough to understand, I'm sure.

I'm saying this as a night shift nurse who has tried to sleep thru all this sort of thing and it is hard.

Maddie :flower:
With a 3 and a 5 year old though I assume an adult is always out there with them. I live on a large lot 1.5 acres and I shush my kids if they are getting unruly loud. They are older though so that doesn't happen too often anymore. Are they in the pool every day? Or are we talking like 1-2 times/week?
Thanks - well where we live we use pool maybe 5 months out of a year.. and probably 3-4 days a week.

My kids are not unruly loud ;) but they are kids running around playing tag or doing swim races.. etc.. I just see no way of making them quiet unless they do not go out to use the pool. Neighbors mention excessive noise which I guess you can count if they start crying or something..
In those cases I usually bring them in..

Would love to have no headache to use my pool with kids - thanks for all advice.

With a 3 and a 5 year old though I assume an adult is always out there with them. I live on a large lot 1.5 acres and I shush my kids if they are getting unruly loud. They are older though so that doesn't happen too often anymore. Are they in the pool every day? Or are we talking like 1-2 times/week?

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