Pool is a mess


Jun 3, 2016
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
Rain and junk falling from the trees had us opening the pool later then usual this year. This is our third year with a pool. Was having a new pump installed and the installer didn't like the way the wires looked so we are waiting on an electrician before having it hooked up.

Anything I can do about this mess while I'm waiting? I've never seen so much dirt in the pool.

Thanks for any help
I agree with GOONiE. Also, add 1 gallon of liquid chlorine daily so it doesn't get any worse. If you've got a submersible pump, you could throw that in there and maybe run a hose to the other side of the pool. That will mix it up really well. However, you need to get that filter running to clear all the junk and all the dead algae once you kill it will liquid chlorine. Once you get your new pump rewired, peform a SLAM to clear the water. It might be a good idea to clean out your filter while you're waiting for your new pump to be operational. That way you start the SLAM with a clean filter. The dead algae from the SLAM will fill it up very quickly.
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