Pool Chemistry - Do I understand this correctly?


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2020
Bay Area in California
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi all,

We have an above ground pool - approx 1200 gallons. We kept water in it all winter and just occasionally added Chlorine (we are in CA) and the beginning of the season numbers looks good, water was crystal clear, but then we had a mishap and my DH accidentally drained 2/3 of the pool, so we are beginning with a new water set up basically.

I use the taylor kit that can test CYA but I wan't able to register a CYA number. the highest line is 30 and when I went up to the very tippy top of the container it just started to look like it was going to dissapear so I think it was between 20-30 (big guestimate here), went to Leslies to have them measure the CYA and they said it was 12. I decided to go with my gut and use 30, added CYA (4oz) and it now reads 60 so slightly high (good thing I ignored Leslie numbers).

Anyway here are today's numbers
CYA-60 (not worried about this, with tethered swimming I tend to lose 2-3" each time and it will correct itself in the next week or so.

My initial thoughts were that the CC is slightly high
CYA is slightly high - but will remedy itself with tethered swimming.
PH - is okay, but slightly low- all last season it was 7.4-7.6 consistently.

Using CYA of 60 and FC of 4 the pool math calculator said to add Chlorine, so I added 6.7oz.

Am I reading this correctly? Did I missing anything? Do I need to do anything about the PH or just watch it and see what happens over the next week or two? I feel like I should just keep the chlorine at the right level for a few days and see what happens? Water is crystal clear and sparkling.
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