Pool Blaster Hydro 500 vs. Pool Blaster Centennial Li


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Hi everybody. Want to get a little cordless vacuum, and have narrowed it down to these two I think in their price range: Pool Blaster Hydro 500 vs. Pool Blaster Centennial Li.

My problem is I'm having a hard time figuring out the differences between each one. They almost look the same but different color/style, but I'm sure there's more to it than that which I'm probably missing 🤣

Anyone else notice what the big difference is? Or have one of these and would recommend it?

Here's links to them too

Thanks for the help
I don’t know anything about them, but in looking at their specs they are very close in weight, batteries last about the same amount of time. If it were me I’d probably go for the cheapest. Lol
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