Plumbing Questions for adding MPV to Pentair Quad100 DE filter (with Pentair Superflo VS)


Silver Supporter
May 6, 2016
Ontario / Canada
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
I haven't yet been able to find another good installer (mine disappeared shortly after the original build in 2015), so since I am somewhat technically inclined I took on all of the maintenance from the beginning and want to do some updates to our simple system.
Currently I have 1.5" plumbing to the pump inlet (Superflo VS) - no isolation valve - , 1.5" directly to the existing Quad DE 100 (via reducer), 2" from Quad DE 100 to the heater and out to the Intellichlor, then that's distributed back via a series of valves to the 1) stair jets, 2) water feature and 3) pool return jets by 1.5" lines.

I am adding a heater bypass valve (manual valve for now, I could spring for an Intellivalve at some point) and that portion is all 2". (This bypass is being added more to improve flow for a soon to be enlarged waterfall feature than anything else - covered by another post on TFP.)
No MPV was put in originally because the Quad100 (P/N 188594) is oversized (and I pre-filter with a sock in the weir's filter basket) so it can run all summer without needing a backwash. However, with no MPV and just a pre-filter exit for waste water discharge, and no way to backwash without physically reversing the filter unions, it makes cleaning old DE into a DE filter sock difficult at season end (we're not allowed to discharge DE into the street sewers of course and I find the DE filter sock to be a good option to decanting DE in a garbage can....).

So I am thinking to add a MPV to more easily be able to do the season end DE disposal and I don't entirely trust the slide valves (here they are the same price as MPVs)

I wanted to ask if the 261055 is the correct MPV for the older Quad100 (188594) and if I should replace the 1.5" from the pump to the MPV with a 2" pipe and union ?
Any other suggestions you folk might suggest since I'm in the process? (I will be replacing the heater manifold o-rings and seal this year too.). Thank you in advance, I always learn so much here!


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I can't really answer your question, but... Seems to me you should be able to run a whole season and just clean the filter at closing.. :scratch:

A lot of members with the Quad 100 DE filters don't have MPV valves..

Let's see what feedback we can get from Matt... calling @JoyfulNoise


Jim R.
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Yes that seems to be why the original installer didn't put in the MPV in the first place (and I guess less is more). I CAN run a whole 6 month season without backwash/cleaning the Quad100 as intended.

It's only to make the end-of-season cleaning a bit easier that I was contemplating adding the MPV to backwash the majority of the old DE out into a DE filter sock.

Maybe I just need to re-think how I clean the cartridges a bit more. (scrape majority into a garbage bag, flush rest)

**** But in any case is it normal to go: pool -> 1.5" -> pump -> 1.5" -> QUAD filter -> 2" -> Heater -> 2" -> Intelichlor -> 1.5" -> pool and features?
I will add that even with the pre-filter sock in the weir basket (and I am diligent about using it), the filter does reduce it's flow by end of season enough to have a noticeable slowing of the flow to our waterfall. A bigger part of the reason I am re-thinking the system.
Get rid of the DE filter altogether and just install and oversized Pentair Clean and Clear cartridge filter. Then you will no longer had the DE discharge issues. I like my QuadDE filter but I hate the annoyance of DE (and I’m allowed to discharge it anywhere I want!). So there’s a C&C in my near future.
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Are you saying that I could retro-fit the Quad100 with Clean & Clear Cartridges? (Any idea what the filter part number might be (or equivalent C&C Model #)?)

Or would I have to completely replace the filter housing unit itself?

Taking a basic look at the Clean & Clear, they do seem almost like the same filter. And given that I am inching up to need to replace the DE cartridges next season......

All that being said, between the DE filter and borating my pool, I have never seen cleaner more sparkling water in a pool before.
That's weird, I thought I was already a supporter. Sorry about that. I also subscribe to TFP's Pool Math App.
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Take a look at this -

You can use the search feature on the forum to find old posts. Lots of them cover converting a QuadDE to a clean and clear

Having done at least 4, the answer is yes, just match cartridge size. Some of the Quad filters had 1" pipes in the manifold. Remove them. They were there to make sure that water evenly coated the DE cartridges.
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Take a look at this -

You can use the search feature on the forum to find old posts. Lots of them cover converting a QuadDE to a clean and clear
You beat me by 1 quintillionth of a picosecond (1.0 × 10-30 seconds).
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Take a look at this -

You can use the search feature on the forum to find old posts. Lots of them cover converting a QuadDE to a clean and clear

Thank you! After I posted the question (I had never considered the possibility before) I did find a number of posts here, but not a definitive one for a "one for one" cartridge replacement suggestions. The CCP520 cartridges are 7" in diameter (instead of 6.25") but I suspect there's enough clearance for them to work and I can take out the stand pipes.

(I also saw posts here that said "definitely doesn't work, filter internals are different" so I was looking for confirmation based on experience.

All that being said, I have high confidence in the functionality of my DE filter (amazing compared to any previous filter), it's just that the Darn replacement cartridges are soooo expensive here in Canada (and there's the aforementioned DE disposal "hassle.").
It will cost me about US$372 to test, so that's not bad. I just wonder if the Pentair C&CP Cartridge Filters are the way to go, or better to consider an alternative manufacturer?
Take a look at this -

You can use the search feature on the forum to find old posts. Lots of them cover converting a QuadDE to a clean and clear
I AM curious Matt why you haven't done the cartridge conversion yourself yet? I see a number of posts saying you've switch out to C&C when the time comes though...?
I AM curious Matt why you haven't done the cartridge conversion yourself yet? I see a number of posts saying you've switch out to C&C when the time comes though...?

Time and money … with 4 kids (one of them going to college next year), I have very little of both …
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