Plumbing Question


Active member
Aug 12, 2020
Phoenixville, PA
We are waiting on plaster after nearly 12 months since we started the build. PB sent startup/care instructions to get us prepared. It mentions keeping the heater bypass valve closed for the first 30 days. Problem is…I don’t believe they installed a heater bypass valve after looking at the equipment pad. I’ve emailed the PB so waiting on a response but could anyone tell me the point of this valve? (Circled in yellow) It seems pointless. It’s is right before it hits the returns coming from the salt chlorinator. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


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I have no idea on the thinking behind the valve you circled. It seems redundant with the 3 way valve following it.

Your pic does not give a clear view of the pipes between the filter and heater to comment about a Heater Bypass.

Maybe this will help.
Yellow= filter to heater
Blue = heater to salt chlorinator
Red = salt chlorinator to returns (this is the line that has that random valve I highlighted above.


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That picture shows you have a heat pump. Lots of pool stuff just talks about heaters and does not recognize the difference in materials in gas heaters versus heat pumps.

Gas heaters usually have copper heat exchangers that are damaged by low pH. Heat pumps do not use copper based heat exchangers.

The bigger risk to heaters during pool startup only occurs if the heater is run and the plaster dust can cause scaling in the heat exchanger. But again it is gas heaters that are more susceptible to scaling then a heat pump.

I don’t know what the startup instructions you were given say. But a heater bypass may not be a requirement for you with a heat pump.
Thanks @ajw22. I was able to confirm with the PB exactly what you said. Since we have a heat pump and not a gas heater the bypass in not necessary. The instructions provided just say heater. It doesn't specify heat pump vs gas heater. It would be nice if they put a note in there about not a requirement for heat pumps but my guess is most people aren't proactive and read that stuff in advance.
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