Please Help-Green, Hazy Water and Zero Free Chlorine since 5/18/15 =-(
Looking A LOT better!!!! Can see bottom now! Just want to get that brown stuff up and help it not be green.

FC = 42x.5 = 21 ppm
CC = .5 ppm

Now what do I do????? Test in another hour and if still 21 and .5 then......I'm trying to understand the routine and how can we know when the green will be gone? Or what caused it?

Also, is it safe to swim in for us? It's really HOT today. LMK
The green is really clearing up now!

The brown stuff--use a manual vacuum and sneak up on it and vacuum to waste.

It is safe to swim IF you can see the bottom AND if your FC is just under your SLAM level for you CYA. Just do not wear your good suit as it make fade it.

You are getting the routine down! Test and add as needed to keep your FC at SLAM level.

The green is really clearing up now!

The brown stuff--use a manual vacuum and sneak up on it and vacuum to waste.

It is safe to swim IF you can see the bottom AND if your FC is just under your SLAM level for you CYA. Just do not wear your good suit as it make fade it.

You are getting the routine down! Test and add as needed to keep your FC at SLAM level.


So in testing and adding bleach if FC goes below 20, what do you do when it is 20 "normal?" Just wait another hour to test?
So maintaining the right FC will eventually make water clear and not green?
Thank you!!!

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Had to get up so I thought I'd test pool while up even though it's 2:30 in the AM. Here are #'s:
FC = 41x.5 = 20.5
CC = 1x.5 = .5
Not adding anything - will retest in a few hours.
Thank you soooooo much everyone! I took a photo but it didn't come out good b/c of the flash. It is def. lighter. will take photo in morning.
Ok, here are counts:
FC=42x.5=21 ppm
CC= 1x.5 = .5
Question - 1 drop of 0871 changes it to clear (takes color out but still a little "hazy clear" but 2 drops makes it more clear - so how do I know which to go with? (for CC)
So from this reading, I won't add any bleach. The pool is lighter, but still green. Here are a few photos. So I keep testing every few hours - I keep doing this until the water is clear?
Thank you!
Chlorine is consumed in two ways, by the sun and by breaking down organic material in your water. The fact that your chlorine level is constantly dropping, plus the visible algae shows us that whatever is growing in your water isn't all killed off and removed. We are replenishing the chlorine as it is used up to MAINTAIN a chlorine level that is high enough to kill the algae faster than it can grow. Towards the end, once your water clears up, we will then eliminate one of the two items that consume chlorine by testing the water overnight when we preform an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test ......but until your water clears up greatly we won't worry about that just yet.

For now the "trend" I notice is that you are losing a good bit of chlorine from hour to hour. Seeing that, plus the CC level over 0.5 (your level is 1....keep adding drops until NO visible change occurs),plus the visible water color shows us you still have algae in your water that needs to be broken down. How much longer will this trend last, I don't know.....
Thanks Lisa and Kim - I certainly wouldn't be able to do all this w/o all of you!!! Thank goodness for the internet and great forums like this!!! (Now, I have a 75 gallon fish tank - trying to decide salt or freshwater set-up - LOL. Not tackling that till pool is 100% gold.)
Thank you for the positive words!!!!

New counts:
FC - 44x.5 = 22 ppm
CC = 1x.5 = .5

Not adding anything - will retest in 1 hr.

PS: Skimmer sock is working too - it looks to be catching that brown stuff

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