Pentair MiniMax 250 firebox material


New member
Nov 26, 2020
Hi all! I recently replaced my old Pentair MiniMax PlusII D 250 heater and now I'm dismantling it to get rid of it (and recover the copper). Can anyone tell me what the material is that the firebox is made out of? I stopped in alarm because it looked like you-know-what, but by the stickers the unit appears to be from the mid-90's. So I'm assuming it is not asbestos, but I'd like to be sure and better yet, know what it is.



Asbestos hasn't been used for many, many decades. I ran projects to demolish old industrial furnaces and reactors back in the 70's and 80's. Even back then we had to do asbestos remediation before we could do anything else. @Pool Clown description is exactly what has been used since that time. There are many forms from blankets to bricks and even mastic material that is hand applied and dries hard. And it also comes in various densities. I think the kind I've seen in pool heaters is a medium density custom formed brick.

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