Opening our new to us pool for the first time! Unveil the swamp!

8:00 pm

FC 12.5
CC 1

I don't think I'll get back out for another test tonight. Current forecast is for some strong storms coming through later this evening. Since my FC appears to be on target, (I added a little extra bleach last time since we were dumping the spa water into the pool), is there anything I should do/add for overnight?
Untitled by Carrie, on Flickr

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Supposed to be partly cloudy and 95 tomorrow, so here's to hoping I can see some bluer water over the course of tomorrow!

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The reflections make it tough to see the true color. All the trees make it look dark.

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You can get it done quicker by just sitting there and squeezing it every 15 seconds or so. No hurry, though. Just if you want to sit and relax for a while... After it is all dissolved, give it about 48 hours before you test it. New FC reading soon?
How can you say not much change?? The third step is even clearer and the forth one is getting there.

Do you have any way to send the water to waste on your filter? SOME cartridge filters has a way but not many.

Oh I KNOW! Did we have you get some skimmer socks? If not you can put a t-shirt in your skimmer basket (using care to not block the flow too much) to help catch the stuff before it gets to the filter. A t-shirt is easier to remove and clean than the cartridge.........may be have three or so to rotate while you vacuum?

You could also layer paper towels in the basket and throw them away as they get nasty.

We don't have a vacuum to waste, but we have been using skimmer socks for several days. We've been catching a lot of green/gray junk. I vacuumed some of the floor today and had to clean out a seriously gunked up pump basket. We don't have a vacuum plate for the skimmer, so I'll just have to check that (the pump basket) more often when vacuuming. It looks like it's maybe even bluer than it was this morning. Here's hoping I'm not seeing things! Next test in 30 minutes!
If you do not want to use your well water you can find a way to harvest rain water. There are several videos and such showing different ideas. Maybe one of them will work for your house and set up.

You can "filter" the water before it gets to your pool. There was one I say just yesterday (not that I can find it today :rolleyes:) that had the hose going into a household filter before it went in the pool.

Just some ideas for you as you work your way through getting this pool set up.

We also bought a foreclosed house and pool. The stuff they took :( unreal! BUT we were able to do all of the work ourselves so got a great deal!


I was filtering iron recently! Iron Removal
Question - When I test for CC, the water barely turns pink when I add the reagent, and then clears up quickly. If I leave it sit after I've added the second reagent, it eventually turns a stronger pink (an hour+ later). Is this to be expected? or does it mean my CC is higher than I think?
It's the initial color change, you can ignore the color change after the initial one.

It's also good practice to rinse your bottle out after testing, not letting them sit with test chemicals in them for a long time :)
It's the immediate test that counts. It will always turn pink after a minute or so. Rinse out the vial right away rather than leave chemicals in there. BTW, I have a skimmer plate you can borrow. My guests today cancelled, so I'm just doing laundry. PM me if you want to borrow it.

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