Opened pool after 3 years of being closed.

Hang in there! I know where you are coming from. This has been the worst green I've fought with too. But finally after 2.5 months (1 month non BBB) I finally have sparkles in the water today! I've had blue cloudy water now for a week. Now that I got my new pool rover jr in and have run it 4 times in 3 days and I last night I put the skimmer sock on it looks very inviting. I'm having to check the sock every 1-2 hrs though to clean out all this fine stuff. I think by tomorrow afternoon it should be really sparkly. The worse part of my day today is the pool if finally swimmable and after a week of 88 degree weather today when I'm not at work it's only 75.
So still not much progress. Still losing FC, not much change in water for 4 days now. Still at shock level, still changing filters frequently, ran out of tf100 testing kit stuff, ordered refills, new cart coming Thurs. Hopefully that makes a difference!
Ok so my pool enjoys high FC right now still as bringing the levels up to high 20's help some yesterday. Here are some pics from this am. Just a tad bit better.


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I'm just getting started with our first pool so I really know nothing about what you are dealing with but I have to say what a battle! Looks like you are making some good headway now. I hope it all comes together for your kids birthday....goodluck! :goodjob:
Ok so my pool isn't clear but I know I'm dealing with metal issues, I am getting really close to holding FC over night. When my fc starts holding when do I consider working on the metal issue?
My shallow end is clear but orangish, don't think I'm ever gonna get my pool to the sparkle point with out taking out the metals. Should I hold FC higher for a while before trying to get metals out?
Keep FC high as long as you have an overnight FC loss. Once you hold stead overnight you can start letting the FC level come down some.

Can you describe your "metals issues" more completely? Have you tried a vitamin C tablet against a stained area for 30 seconds?
Here is my pic of vitamin C for about 20 seconds total.
I have always had issues with the water here. When I first filled the pool it was beautiful, I proceeded to shock it with granular stuff when I was being pool stored and as it flowed through my pool it turned many arrays of rainbow colors, before I went back to the pool store crying my clear pool was now deep brown. They gave me some stuff to put in, told me to clean my cart 4x a day and it could take 2 weeks to clear up. It took at least 2 weeks and the stuff that came out of the cart was gross. I have no idea what I used as that was at least 5 years ago.
I admit I am not quite ready but believe I will have no loss by this weekend, and want to get what I may need before Sunday as the stores are closed here.


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Alright, a clear case of iron stains.

If you are still trying to have a party on the 22nd, you might want to think about waiting until after the party before doing a full AA treatment. An AA treatment requires several days of zero, or extremely low, chlorine. That makes it very easy to get algae during the treatment, and you can't really shock for at least a week after you start.

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