Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I've read that ceramic smokers with a load of coals can easily reach 800F (427C). At that temp, anything made out of aluminum would begin to soften. I suspect it got hotter than that though because an open grille can suck in a lot of oxygen. I'm glad you're ok and the tragedy was some broken smoker part.

A good lesson about the dangers of fire.

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

By the way, I made your bacon + Brussels sprouts recipe (no sausage though) and, as expected, everyone wanted a fifth helping :chef:

Man, just add a little bit of green to bacon and suddenly everyone forgets it's bacon. It's like bacon cloaking device....

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Homemade Corned Beef

So I'm not Irish but I do love corned beef; I always have. However, I hate store-bought corned beef. I think it's the fact that they use preservatives like sodium nitrate and sodium erythorbate. Those preservatives allow the beef being "corned" to retain it's natural red color by protecting the myoglobin from breaking down but I feel they impart a bad flavor to the meat.

So what's a good Irish boy supposed to do? I dunno, I'm Italian....

Then it hit me, I decided to get my full-Leprechaun on and "corn" my own beef!! The term "corn" or "corned" is simply a different way to say brined beef. It's a little specific to the American Irish culture in that the Irish immigrants wanted to recreate some of the cooking from their home land and the salt they could obtain for brining purposes was very large crystals of it, almost the size of corn kernels. Hence the name, "corned beef".

Here's the recipe I used for brining -

6 cups of cold water (I used bottled water to avoid the nasty chloramines in my tap water)
1/4 cup of McCormick Pickling spices
3/4 cup coarse sea salt
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
2 Tbsp dark molasses
4-6 small pieces of crystallized ginger
4.5 lbs beef brisket (flat portion, trimmed)

Mix the first six ingredients in a medium sauce pan, cover with a lid and bring the solution to a boil. Remove from heat and allow the brine to cool, covered, to room temperature. Best to do this in the morning as it takes several hours for the brine to cool

Here's the meat cut in two large pieces. I also pin tenderized it quite a bit and gave it a couple of good slashes with the boning knife on the fat side as you want the brine to penetrate the meat -


Here's a shot of the dark, rich brine (it smells like cinnamon spiced wine but tastes like slightly sweet seawater) -


Place the pieces into 1 gallon size ziplock bags and fill each bag with half the brine. Get all of the air out of the bags so that the meat is fully submersed. Place the bags in a container and refrigerate.


Proper brining will take anywhere from 3 days to a week...:sleep:

Well, we'll see what happens. I fully expect the meat to turn a grey color as there are no preservatives to keep the myoglobin from breaking down. That's ok though because that has no impact on the taste as all the flavor should come from the brine. I will follow up in the next post on this topic with the actual cooking recipe for corned beef & cabbage with horseradish sauce.
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

A "Danny Approved" lunch -


Brisket & cheese omelette with some bacon & Apple roasted Brussels sprouts...

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Mmmm Mmmm good!

I made bacon cheeseburger casserole today. I subbed 1 lb grlund lamb for 1 lb breakfast sausage based on whatever you made with lamb recently. We'll see how it turns out. I should have done 1 lb burger, 1 lb lamb and 1 lb breakfast sausage. I'll do that next time.

My wife says sausage is a new mandatory ingredient in the bacon, brussel, apple. Don't be leavin it out!
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Mmmm Mmmm good!

I made bacon cheeseburger casserole today. I subbed 1 lb grlund lamb for 1 lb breakfast sausage based on whatever you made with lamb recently. We'll see how it turns out. I should have done 1 lb burger, 1 lb lamb and 1 lb breakfast sausage. I'll do that next time.

My wife says sausage is a new mandatory ingredient in the bacon, brussel, apple. Don't be leavin it out!

Every so often the local supermarket puts out ground veal on manager's special (either BOGO or 50% off) because it sits on the shelf since no one knows what to do with it. As soon as it hits Manager's special pricing, I buy half the shelf and freeze it. You simply substitute ground veal for reg ground beef and you get a much more tender recipe. Just add back a little fat (either oil or bacon drippings) and it's worlds of difference...lamb is good too for adding a little more of a gamey flavor.

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Italian Sausage & Peppers

So I decided to make a quick and easy meal tonight. This generates LOTS of leftovers which are great for lunches. The ingredient list is pretty simple -

2 lbs of fresh Italian sausage (I use sweet italian sausage but you can mix sweet and hot)
3 Red Bell Peppers sliced thin
3 Green Bell Peppers sliced thin
1 yellow onion sliced thing
Favorite Spices - Italian spice mix and Tony Chachere's
Favorite Tomato Marinara Sauce (I like my sauce but found Victoria's White Lace marinara to be a very good jarred sauce)

Here's the line up -


Decided to do the sausages on the grill first -


Get those onions nice and softened and then put the peppers on top, cook down until everything is soft -


Cut up the sausage and add to the mix, cook until everything starts to brown -


Add the sauce and cook uncovered to a slow simmer -


And the plate -

Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Wow... that looks delicious, also something that a guy can do fairly quick. I'm going to have to quit my job, my weekend cooks can't keep up! Every time I look at this thread I get hungry, and realize there's so many different things I want to try! Am I the only one that has a job?

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I had a job once but it got in the way of my cooking. So I married a woman smarter than me, better looking than me (that's a fairly low bar to clear) and of greater net-worth/earning-potential.

So now my job is cabana-boy and chef -

Guatamalan-ness - YouTube

Oh, and there's 4 little ankle-biters running around here somewhere...

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I knew I should've paid more attention to the farm girls up north, most of them now own 4-5 Bakken oil wells!

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

I might as well join the party! :party:
Here is a Boston Butt all rubbed down awaiting tomorrow's smoke. More pictures to follow...

View attachment 57690

Looking forward to the after pictures!!

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Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Had the pork shoulder on the smoker for 13 hours. It was a little too late for dinner so I decided to make huevos con machaca for breakfast. Machaca is usually made with dried and rehydrated beef but is just as delicious with pulled pork.

Here is the shoulder before the pull:
pork 2.jpg

Making the machaca with pulled pork, caramelized red onion, and roasted poblano peppers:
pork 3.jpg

And my breakfast:
pork 4.jpg
Re: Official 2017 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

Dang that looks good! I might try that and throw some eggs in there!

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