
Jun 19, 2017
Clearwater, Fl
Hello everyone. Let me first say that as frustrated as I feel I am equally as grateful for having found this amazing forum...been browsing for a month or so and learning so much but now I feel so overwhelmed that I had to post for help as I feel like I am losing our pool. Thank you in advance for any/all input!

So my quick story...3 months into being a new pool prior experience. Pool is currently being balanced weekly by "pool guy". Purchased TF100 about 1 wk ago because pool is consistently getter worse, ie turning green, yellowish green stuff on walls and floors, cloudy and today all of the above plus "milky". Pool guy serviced the pool 4 days ago.

RESULTS from my TF100:



Tomorrow, Tues 6/20 I plan on draining 50% of the pool to get CYA levels down to about 60, then I will drain & refill over the next few months to get down to the 30-ish level. As far as I can tell this pool has been using chlorinated tabs for years, needless to say those will not see my pool any longer and I will fill with liquid chlorine from here on out!

Ok so my questions are;

1. As I am draining the pool do I need to brush the walls? Or is it ok just to drain? Or do I vacuum before draining? Pool is presently slightly green, cloudy, dull, milky w/a little yellowish green on walls/floor but not much.

2. When I refill do I add liquid chlorine while filling? Or after its been filled?

3. Do I add liquid chlorine according to new CYA level or do I have to SLAM pool once filled?

My thought was to add liquid chlorine to pool at beginning of re-fill at projected CYA level of 60 so that it can begin to do its thing while pool is filling with fresh water (which I tested btw and has 0 CYA). That would be approx 8ppm, and then once pool is filled I would test again, jump on pool math, and begin balancing pool accordingly and then go into "maintain" mode.

4. Am I missing something? Some step or steps?
5. Do I have to SLAM at some point? or not because of the 50% new water?
6. Do I just go into maintenance mode after the refill if everything tests ok?
7. What about the yellowish green stuff will it go away with the new water and lower CYA level? and appropriate FC level?

Again, sorry for all the questions.

TBH, I am a little scared, not so sure I can do this lol


1)By all means, brush what you can and hopefully you'll get oit pumped out and be rid of a whole lot of organic waste so that your filter and bleach won't have to. In the past, people with cartridge filters have replace the drain plug with a short pipe nipple and connected a backwash hose, removed the cartridge, and then vacuumed to waste that way. If you're handy, you can make it work. If not, rent/buy a sump pump and set it as low as possible to suck all that goo out of there.

2) If you add chlorine to the hose stream while filling, make sure it gets mixed well. Also remember that you can't really test FC unless it all mixed, so it would be pretty much a one time thing until the water is full and circulating. Maybe enough to get to 20, since you can;t be positive what the CYA level will end up after refilling.

3) Yes, you will need to SLAM. If you got rid of most of the organic crud and got a head start on it while filling, you might get lucky and it'll only take a day or two to pass all three tests.

4-7) You mentioned yellow stuff on the walls. Could be mustard algae. In that case, you'll need to go to mustard shock level for 24 hours after you've passed the regular SLAM.

Take it one step at a time. Replace water, let it mix well, and retest everything. Then post results and we can walk you through it.
Welcome JD! Your CYA results bring up two concerns. The first is obvious: it's high! The second is more subtle: you had a significant up-tick and the kit only reads to 100. I'll try to dig up some threads for you, but I recommend you read some tips on CYA testing procedures. As you've surely noticed, it's a subjective and tricky test. You'll also want to test using the dilution method so you can get a better idea of how far over 100 it really is.
Thank you Richard for your response, it's a huge help!

Rollercoaster, yes I used the dilution method on the second test with TF100 therefore I believe the second test to be more accurate than the first. Also, I tested the CYA at the hose where I fill/refill the pool. Tested @0!

I am going to drain as if CYA is the second test therefore 50% drain should get me to roughly 60. Even if it gets me to 70 I think that with what I am learning here I can manage that for a month or two while I continue partial drain/refill to get closer to acceptable levels of CYA. My biggest concern is that I dont know what the heck Im doing lol
Sounds like a plan.

So you understand the relationship between FC and CYA (or at least, know there IS one), and you think you don't know what you're doing? Have you spoken to pool store employee or pool caretaker lately? You're already miles ahead!

Sorry I was slow on providing threads, but it sounds like you've done some good reading already...
Yes I seem to understand the relationship thanks to my crash course in pool chemistry in pool school and browsing the forums. Doing it on the other hand has me a bit worried ��. I think I am getting ahead of myself and wanting to know all the exact steps before starting and that has me somewhat intimidated.

Think I will take Richards advice and go one step at a time... drain, then refill, re-test and post my results here because frankly I am not sure what to do after retesting lol
Ok so latest test results after partial drain (approx 40%...cant wait to see that h2o bill lol)

CYA=70 (plan to bring down to 50 range within 1-2 months but so much better)
PH=8.3ish (not accurate due to high FC?)

Didnt test CC or CH, will do that tonight after work

Added 208oz liquid chlorine according to pool math to bring shock level to 35 hopefully will stay over shock level 28 until I get home from work

Lots of brushing, vacuuming, and filter cleaning

Am I missing anything?

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