NEWBE POOL LEAK! What plugs work on rectangular Bestway pool.

New to all this and need to stop a serious leak that is occurring where the hoses join the pool. So I need to find the plugs to put in the holes so that we can fix the hoses but we cannot find plugs.

We have a Bestway rectangular pool 18x9x48 that my husband put in for me last year but due to surgery and chemo have not been able to use it. We live in the desert and just left it in place. It had a lot of dirt in the bottom so my husband drained it and cleaned it out (we could not for the life of us get the vacuum to get all the dirt out) and then he refilled it. We have a good sized sand filter.

Problem really started when my poor overworked husband had to change the hoses - they had rotted out in the sun from last year - gets to be about 120 degrees here during the summer regularly. So he went to Lowes and got similar hoses and used some sort of spring type clasps to tighten them. Anyway, they are beginning to leak. Sigh. We cannot find the plugs to this pool and really need to so that we don't loose all the water. Need to regroup and figure out what to do about the hose and connection situation. The weight of the water seems to be causing the connection where the hose joins the pool to leak.

So in review my main questions are:
1. Which plugs go into the Bestway Rectangular Pool 18x9x48 holes (we do want to pull the hoses out and reconfigure them so the plugs are necessary).
2. Where can I get the plugs quickly?
3. What can I do about the Bestway hoses are flimsy and rot in the sun in about 6 weeks - the hoses from Lowes are a little off in size - so how do we compensate for the size difference to avoid leaks?
4. How do you vacuum the bottom of these pools. We get tremendous Haboobs out here and the amount of dust from them is unbelievable - Want to know what a Haboob is? We cannot get the cover on our pool on in time before they hit and the suction of the vacuum on the bestway vacuum is not great and we seem to have to loose a lot of water using it.
Any and ALL help is gratefully appreciated!!!!
Now don't laugh but potatoes! I know :roll: BUT they can be pared down so they work like a plug for the short term! LOL

For the hoses I would think about going to PVC. If you put in unions you will be able to take it back apart as needed.

vacuum-a vacuum is only as good as the pump that is helping it work. If the pump is not strong enough then it will be hard to vacuum. Try doing a search in the white box at the top of the page and see if there is a thread or two that has a good idea for your pool.

Now don't laugh but potatoes! I know :roll: BUT they can be pared down so they work like a plug for the short term! LOL

For the hoses I would think about going to PVC. If you put in unions you will be able to take it back apart as needed.

vacuum-a vacuum is only as good as the pump that is helping it work. If the pump is not strong enough then it will be hard to vacuum. Try doing a search in the white box at the top of the page and see if there is a thread or two that has a good idea for your pool.


I LOVE the Potatoe idea! lol. Am going out to try it. However, for long term which plugs can I buy? And where?

Also my pump is:
Intex 2800 GPH Pump & Sand filter

So why is it not doing much good on the bottom of the pool after a dust stom hits?
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