New pool owner trying to put it all together!

thank you for all of your help! this forum is a life saver for a noob like myself.
Looks like I have the CC on the run and the FC well into shock territory. I am maintaining above 28ppm currently. I did lose 7 ppm FC overnight, so will try again this evening.
I have noticed what looks like dirt collecting on the bottom of the pool. It wasn't that dirty prior to beginning the SLAM process. We have had a few storms blow through but didn't seem to carry any dust. Could this be algae settling to the bottom? Should I be vacuuming this up with the pump set to "waste" or can it run through the sand filter?
Either way is fine. Vacuum to waste or filter and backwash. Yes, definitely sounds like dead algae building up. Which is good because you are killing the algae. Keep rolling!
I am on day 6 of SLAM now and getting extremely frustrated. I've been through around 40 gallons of 10% liquid chlorine and continue to fail OCLT. The only positive I see is that I lose less each night, but I still lost 4 ppm last night. 5 the night before. 8 the night before that. The water has been clear for a couple of days now. Had I started the SLAM from a green, muddy pond I would expect this, but I started this process AFTER the pool guy opened the pool for me and the water was clear! My only instructions from him were to use "shoxidizer" and Trichlor tabs on a weekly basis as well as some Algae X and clarifier. It seems odd that my pool would be in this bad of shape following that opening. I will say that after the pool open, the pool sat for 6 days without any chemicals being added to it. Does this sound normal to everyone?
What's your FC/CC this morning?

Have you removed everything you can from the pool, lights, ladders, stairs. Checked in the skimmer behind weirs for greenies?

You are improving, six days is not that long. 10 days - 2 weeks is about average.

Also, you didn't add any of those other products did you?
No, I didn't add any of the products he asked me to. This morning my FC is 22, CC is about 0.5. I have vacuumed and brushed daily. I have continued to have dead algae build up on the floor of the pool daily but the level has dropped significantly.
Had I not SLAMed the pool and just given the pool guy the keys to the place, I'm quite sure that he would have just kept adding Trichlor tabs and shoxidizer on a weekly basis and called it macaroni. How could I be having such a problem? Did he just not put enough chlorine in to begin with?
If you are losing FC overnight there is something eating your chlorine. That's all there is too it. Sounds like you are pretty close, just need a little POP (pool owner patience).

I went back and read the whole thread. There was significant FC loss in the beginning, much less now. You are making good progress, don't get so frustrated :)

Also, I will reiterate, look around your pool and think about where algae could be hiding, in a ladder, behind a light, in a skimmer, etc.
Take a CLOSE look at the little door (weir door) that is in front of the skimmer. There was one person that had a tiny crack in their door and when they opened it up all of the way there was a nice algae farm in side of it.

The "dirt" on the bottom is dead algae. That means you are doing a great job BUT you do need to keep going.

We go ya!

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