new pool owner - first time opening. high PSI, skimmers don’t work.


Aug 10, 2017
so i just opened the pool today to a green swamp. i put 8lbs of shock and 14oz of back up 2. ive cleaned the filter (pentair FNS plus) and also backwashed it a few times. im getting around 30-40psi and after roughly 30 sec my skimmers stop working and i get a huge burp of water/bubbles push out of my main drain in the deep end at the same time. when i put it in recirculate mode, the skimmers work fine. any idea what would cause this? i’d call my local pool store but they’re so backed up it will probably be weeks before they can get to me. please help! will answer any questions to help solve this that i can. thanks in advance!
It really sounds as though your filtration system is so overwhelmed with algae that your water simply can't move. Filters clog-up extremely fast when there is algae in a pool. The few pool store products you are adding will not work, and might also be adding by-products to the water. The pool store won't do anything but sell you extremely pricey products that will not remove the algae.

You need to perform a "SLAM" (link below). That's how to remove algae. To perform a SLAM, you need the proper test kit, not the things sold at the pool store or their free testing, but a proper kit for the SLAM. We recommend either a TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C (link also below). That's where the process starts.

I would encourage you to read/save the vital links below and prepare to perform that SLAM. Once you get your test kit, post a full set of results and we'll be happy to help you move forward. Thanks for using the forum.
Do you have a 6 position valve? If yes select waste that should by pass filter. If not open your filter drain and let the algae slime drain out that way. May have to connect a drain line.
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