New pool owner- Cloudy Pool- when to add chemicals


New member
May 31, 2022
Hazlet, NJ
Hello, just signed up as I am a new pool owner. My pool got very green and I was able to clear it up by hitting it with liquid chlorine and continuous vacuuming. It’s a cloudy blue color now and looks a bit soapy but I still can’t see the bottom of the pool. I have a salt water pool FYI. Should I just concentrate on chlorine to get the water clear and then get the chemicals balanced or is the clarity of the water irrelevant and I should start adding necessary chemicals? I already went down the road of spending a lot of money on chemicals but it didn’t seem to matter because pool water was not clear, don’t want to make same mistake again. Any advice would be great, thanks!
First, welcome!!

I want to give you credit fro not running down to the pool store and buying all the magic potions they want to sell you.

You have figured it out, chlorine is the answer.

I will tell you, it didn't turn green overnight and it will take time to clear. But, we can teach you how to get it sparkling and keep it that way for a lot less money than the pool store.

First, turn off your salt water chlorine generator. It doesn't produce enough chlorine to make a difference, so it just shortens it's life. Stick with liquid chlorine.

So, lets start - Not much credence is given to pool store testing around here. While you would think that a "professional" would be the best, unfortunately in most cases it is quite the opposite. Between employees who blindly trust the word of chemical sales representatives and high school kids working in the pool store for the summer you end up with poor results from their testing. Plus, the results of their "testing" is used to convince you that you need to buy things. Why do you think that testing is free?

But, what can you do?? We base our pool care system on accurate testing and only adding what the pool needs, when it needs it. To do that you need your own accurate test kit. Order a TF-100 Test Kit ™ and at least include the XL Option . That will give you what you need while you are clearing the pool, and probably enough reagents for a couple of years normal use.

While you wait for it to get delivered, you have a homework reading assignment. Start with these:

Please don't go back to the pool store for a test kit. To effectively practice the TFPC methods, the FAS/DPD chlorine test is essential. The TF-100 Test Kit ™ has this test while very few other kits do. The kits sold at the pool store generally won't won't cut it, but be careful pool store employees are known to say “it's the same thing”. Generally it's not!

Until you get your kit, each day I want you to put one bottle of bleach (yes, the same stuff you use for laundry) in the pool with the filter running. Be careful, it needs to be plain bleach, no scents, no EZ-Pour and none of the new Cloramax or laundry enhancing formulas.

Once you have a test kit we can trust, you will do what we call a SLAM SLAM - Shock Level and Maintain

Continue brushing and running the filter, cleaning the filter as necessary.

So, welcome to TFP!!
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Welcome buckethead (do you play guitar?).
Source a solid test kit, this is the foundation of a trouble free pool. Test Kits Compared
While waiting for your test kit add liquid chlorine each day, enough to raise your FC 5ppm.
Give us some details on your pool system, fill out your signature so everyone is on the same page.
Your situation in not unique and your experience will be rewarding if you stay the course.
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Welcome to FTP!!!

You are going to need a good test kit. Either a TF-Pro Salt, a TF-100 with K-1766 or a Taylor K-2006C-SALT.

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