New Pool - no chlorine on day 5 - Shock?

Aug 1, 2017
Hello all,
This is my first pool and first time posting. i read in Pool School "Start-up Procedures" that for the first 30 days i should not Shock the pool. I have tested my water and my Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine were around 0.09ppm on monday. So far i did as instructed by the builder and added four 3" chlorine pucks into the Chlorinator and set that to level 3. I tested the water with a simple chlorine test kit this morning and it seems that the chlorine is still at 0. So i raised the Chlorinator level to 5. On Monday when i tested my water with the builder i was given 3lbs of Calcium Hypochlorite Shock to add to the water. Should i do this or is there a safer way to add Chlorine to my new pool? Thank you in advance for any advice...
You need to get chlorine in there. Did you add CYA (Conditioner, Stabilizer)? If you did how much. I got away from tabs in 2014 and only use them for Vacations.

Do you have a recommended test kit? If so which one.

Run over to Timberline Shopping Center and get some of the liquid chlorine in the blue containers from Del-Val pools. Use pool Math to determine how much to add.
Hi, these are the readings i got from Mondays water test at the swim-mor store.

FC - 0.09ppm
TC - 0.09ppm
CC - 0 ppm
pH - 8.6
hardness - 81ppm
Alkalinity - 62ppm
Cyanuric Acid - 2ppm

Added the following per builder water analysis report:
7lbs 8oz of Ph Minus
17lbs 1.5oz of Alkalinity plus
54lbs of Calcium Hardness increaser

Still have to add but purchased:
3lbs of Calcium Hypochlorite Shock

If its better to add the liquid Chlorine from Del-Vals instead of shocking i can do that.

I will take another sample and run that over today to see where i am. I did purchase the Taylor Test Kit K-2006C.
I think things are little different than what you want to explain and what this forum to do.

Mostly in this group, people use SWG or liquid Chlorine. No tabs, No shock, nothing etc...
So they increase the CYA. CYA/FC ratio is most important number for how much FC do you need to keep always + daily usage. So make it simple while you are reading.
Your Pool capacity and how much min FC always have to be there. Then you need add daily FC.
But if you do not know CYA, there is no way to be known this....

You must have your own test kit. You can get Taylor 2006-C, also Over here no one care pool store result or trust their result.we beleive our own result :)

Good luck and in few weeks, im sure all will be easy for you
No reason to add cal-hypo now. You already increased your calcium with the calcium hardness increaser.
Just use regular bleach or liquid chlorine and get it up to normal FC using the CYA/FC chart in mknauss links.
You really need a good test kit like the TF-100 or Taylor K-2006"C".
No reason to add cal-hypo now. You already increased your calcium with the calcium hardness increaser.
Just use regular bleach or liquid chlorine and get it up to normal FC using the CYA/FC chart in mknauss links.
You really need a good test kit like the TF-100 or Taylor K-2006"C".

Kabutotx, thank you for the response. My original question was should i shock with a brand new plastered pool. Pool School said i should not shock for 30days. So i think i understand now. I should just get the liquid chlorine and add per Pool Math recommended amounts. Thank you all for the info. My K-2006c is on its way...
Kabutotx, thank you for the response. My original question was should i shock with a brand new plastered pool. Pool School said i should not shock for 30days. So i think i understand now. I should just get the liquid chlorine and add per Pool Math recommended amounts. Thank you all for the info. My K-2006c is on its way...

Just to be clear ... you should never "shock" if you use TFP methods. "Shock" as a product we don't use or endorse. When needed we raise our pool up to a shock FC level using liquid chlorine/bleach following the SLAM Process process and the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] chart.

You only need to do the SLAM Process process if there are indications of algae in your water.
Is the Fusion chlorinator a tab holder or salt cell? If it the mineral system you might not want to put anything in it. You are adding minerals to you water that can only leave the pool with draining.

Are you in Sewell or Wash Twp? if you go to the Timberline store don't bring water, they test with Guess Strips.

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