New Guy From New Orleans Area!

Sounds like you've got it all figured out. I think Patrick was just saying if you wanted to raise the CH a little, you could use the cal-hypo. Mine stays around 250. It'll be a little higher at the end of the season because I'm adding more with my fill water, and it stays behind when the water evaporates out of the pool. After all the spring rains and having to dump water, it goes down because the rain water has diluted it. Once you get a better feel of the pool, you'll know how much bleach to add each time without having to calculate it as much. It's best not to let it go below the minimum so algae doesn't have a chance to even start growing. At a CYA of 40 the minimum is 3 and the target is 5. That's what you should shoot for. You could target 1-2 ppm higher fc and let it drift down and still be above the minimum without any adverse effects. My cya is 50 so my minimum is 4 and target is 6. Since its too cold to get in my pool right now I raise it up to 7-8 so I don't have to worry about it for a few days if I don't get a chance to check on it. That's nowhere near slam levels, and still low enough that the ph test doesn't get affected by it.

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Wayne, I'm right here in the Luling area and have been using the BBB method for three years now and after you get a year under your belt it'll be a lot easier, and cheaper. I have a 24' above ground as well and this is what I do to mine. Very easy.

Beginning of each summer I test CYA and FC (don't keep up with in the winter)
Start by adding bleach, Ill get the FC to the shock level and maintain it their until the over night test passes. This summer was around 9 jugs of 8.25 from Wal-Mart.
I also start adding my CYA towards the end of the shock that way it takes less FC to shock it.
I test pH every so often, not like I should but I personally never had to make any adjustments for pH.
I add bleach every other day or every two days just depending if I remember lol
I do not measure how much I add I just count to say 10 seconds and then after a few days of this 10 seconds I will test and If my numbers are good I stick with the 10 seconds or adjust if I need to.
Do not mess with the test strips. They are garbage. Listen to everyone hear. Not everyone at work, lol. I also work at a chemical plant and everyone here "knows" how to maintain a pool until I show them my pool pictures and start asking what they keep their CYA....they think their pool looks good, until they see mine lol.
I actually converted two people into the BBB method, some of our worse operators and they have sparkling pools, so if they can do it, anyone can.

Like I said this is what works for me and has been for three years now. I do not make it complicated. I simply make sure it passes the over night test at the beginning of each summer and then maintain the FC levels throughout the summer. The first two years I would raise the FC to shock level right before the winter and then would touch bleach until the summer. Pool stayed "clear" but still needed a slight shock. Def. easier to just maintain throughout the winter but we all get busy and its not something we worry about when we are not using it. I have two young boys so time is tight.

Good luck, try to take notes of things you learn, and what works for you that way you will have them next year.
You'll know when your pool is sparkling when you go out and night and the moon hits it just right and you'll be amazed of how clear and pretty it is.
Hows everybody doing?

I would like to thank each and everyone of you that has helped me along the way. It was a lot to learn and honestly I still have a lot more to learn but as of right now I couldn't be happier with the results. Its a lot more work than what I was doing before but as I stated in the beginning of this thread was this was all to ensure the pool was safe for son and all the other children that will be swimming in it this summer.

I have a few questions

*Do yall worry about testing CC or TC? The first week or so I was but the results were always basically zero so I stopped testing them. Being as that FC is the important factor, thats what I been focusing on.

*When adding bleach do yall over shoot by say .5ppm to help keep levels up?

*This weekend the pool will be used officially for the first time. Having some friends and family over for a BBQ and im very excited about I know that its safe and sanitary. What should I bring my FC up to the morning of the pool party? How does swimming in the pool affect all the parameters I sample?

*My pH seams to have a slight swing to it and is almost always towards the top of the range. Is this ok? Its really a judgment call and not know for sure but from my testing its seams to be ranging from 7.5-8.0(my wife thinks it was 8.2 when I though it was 8.0). I am seriously considering buying a pH meter with calibration solution. I was talking with a guy at work about pool stuff and he said that he bought a meter off Amazon and loves it. Just need to keep it calibrated and the tip wet. This is the one he has, im seriously debating if im going to order it or not.

*On PoolMath it ask me for Borate, Salt, & CSI. How are these tested? Do they need to be tested?

*What causes TA to increase? I was around 90 and over the last few weeks its up to 120

No problem. Glad your getting the hang of things. It gets to the point of being automatic eventually. It's a good feeling to know that your water is safe and beautiful. I test CC every few days. Usually it will be less than .5 unless you let your fc drop too low so stuff starts growing.
It doesn't hurt to overshoot by whatever gets you to your next bleach addition without dropping below the minimum.
Congrats on the party. Sounds like fun. I do love me some bbq. I would think a safe bet would be to raise it 2ppm higher than your target. Usually the only think affected by swimming is your fc can drop a little depending on bather load, and if there's a bunch of splashing it can raise your ph slightly. It's best to keep the ph around 7.4-7.6. I can tell when mine gets to 7.8 because it irritates my eyes. Can't comment on the ph meter.
Borates and salt have their own tests. If you haven't added borates, put 0. You add a little salt with any form of chlorine, but unless you switch to a salt pool it's negligible. Maybe a couple 100. Csi is a number that is formulated based on the other parameters you put in. Poolmath will give you a recommended range. TA should only increase if you added baking soda. With a new test kit there is also a testing error which is why you have to wipe the tip of the bottle between drops for the first several tests. Something about static electricity making the drops bigger or smaller. Can't remember which way it went.

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Lots of questions, and that just shows you are thinking about things.

I always over shoot FC a little like that. If I test FC with the drop test four times per week, I might check CC once. It's good once in a while, but when you keep good FC and don't have events, there will rarely be CC. Swimmers only influence FC for the most part. A little on pH through more aeration (water disturbance). If you are having a big swim party, bump the FC a few PPM before, and a few more after. Always good to do, when you are already at normal levels. I like pH meters, not a big fan of the Oaktons. Whatever you get, keep the fluids on hand and the bulb wet as you likely already know from work. Your TA comes from your makeup water, unless you are putting in something that adds it. The TA is driving your pH. Focus on keeping the pH in line, and TA will come down over time. You can play with that if you like, but I would suggest that for later. Borates are optional, and salt is only for pools with Salt Water Chlorine generators, so you don't have to worry about those. Forget about CSI in your pool. One because it's vinyl, and two because you aren't high risk for scaling.
So glad you're enjoying your Pool and get to show it off.

I test CC around once or twice a week. You can control you pH better by lowering your TA. And as far as parties go, I go up to 10ppm FC when my CYA is 40ppm. Believe me, your bather load will use every bit of it because you will have *someone* pee'ing in the pool! My 15 yr old n 8 year old nieces were over for 2 days for 6 hours and not one of them used my bathroom. :shock: I saw my FC go from 10ppm to 4ppm in one swim. On the second day, They added a Rottweiler and a Boxer who ironically get out of the pool to pee but my pool was so dirty the next day with an FC of 5ppm with 0CC! So bump it to 10ppm just to handle the load n if you over shoot by 3ppm, it's no big deal!
Lots of questions, and that just shows you are thinking about things.

I always over shoot FC a little like that. If I test FC with the drop test four times per week, I might check CC once. It's good once in a while, but when you keep good FC and don't have events, there will rarely be CC. Swimmers only influence FC for the most part. A little on pH through more aeration (water disturbance). If you are having a big swim party, bump the FC a few PPM before, and a few more after. Always good to do, when you are already at normal levels. I like pH meters, not a big fan of the Oaktons. Whatever you get, keep the fluids on hand and the bulb wet as you likely already know from work. Your TA comes from your makeup water, unless you are putting in something that adds it. The TA is driving your pH. Focus on keeping the pH in line, and TA will come down over time. You can play with that if you like, but I would suggest that for later. Borates are optional, and salt is only for pools with Salt Water Chlorine generators, so you don't have to worry about those. Forget about CSI in your pool. One because it's vinyl, and two because you aren't high risk for scaling.

Shoot for a pH @ 7.5?

What pH Meter would you recommend?

Yes, you don't need a pH meter. What you do need is MA.

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No meter, the pH test is included in the TF100. It's in the small blue box.
Yes I know that the TF100 comes with a pH test kit. The problem is like all other color shade testers its up to the used to determine where it falls on the chart. The other day my wife was outside with me while testing and what I thought was a 7.6 she thought was a 8.0. With a calibrated meter I was hoping to get a more defined answer to what the pH is control it better.

Yes, you don't need a pH meter. What you do need is MA.
Added 8oz yesterday will recheck this evening and add more if needed.

I posted these pics in another thread but I thought I would share with you guys, and gals what your help has done!
This first picture was taken UNDERwater from one side of the pool to the other.

A overview of the pool standing on the deck.

I honestly think my pool is the cleanest, brightest and shiniest it has ever been and I couldn't be more thankful.

As I continue to read this site I find myself having more questions.

I just read a thread about another Prestine Blue pool owner switching to the TFPC Method. Although his level was considered high enough to worry it was suggested he get his metal level down to prevent staining.

If I can remember correctly that may have been mentioned to me before going to this method but once I got the TF100 in I was just to excited to take charge and get her perfect i didn't think of what the TFPC method would do to the pool if it still had a high copper level in it.

I have been doing the TFPC Method for im guessing 2-3 weeks and as you can see from the pictures its perfect. If cooper levels were to high would I see issues by now? We are having a pool party at out house this Saturday and after reading that thread im nervous that although the pool looks amazing I could turn the women hair green.

You can get a copper/metals test and if it's high, you can lower the water and add more.

Hey... Live n learn. That's what we do. Your pool looks amazing!
That is one clear pool! Good job!

It is safe to swim in with your numbers like that.

I do not know about the metals testing at the pool store. I do not trust pool store testing for my pool due to them being so wrong on the very day testing so.........

That is one clear pool! Good job!

It is safe to swim in with your numbers like that.

I do not know about the metals testing at the pool store. I do not trust pool store testing for my pool due to them being so wrong on the very day testing so.........


The sad part is that the pool store always seamed to get the Prestine Blue level correct or at least I think she did, because she was always willing to sell me some lol.

Can I get a metal tester at Wally World?

I'm officially a TFPC Pool Guy gave the Prestine Blue and Prestine Clear alway last week!

You could have the pool store test just for giggles to see what they say you need. lol

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