New build in Vegas

Kim, I was very excited to get my links. I knew they were coming. Ordering my test kit tonight. I'm sure it's going to be the most affordable thing in this project. The slide is going in the open on the opposite end of the pictures. It will run parallel to the brick wall and makes a 90 degree turn to dump right in the center of the pool.

Ill be honest I don't know what kit he's giving me. Never asked beecause I'm ordering the tf-100 and speed stir.
The best kit I have seen one give was the Taylor 2005. It is a good basic kit with the only thing missing is the FC test for higher testing. The worst test kit I heard of was......................a sample bottle of test strips! :roll: BUT everything else about the build was good so we just laughed and he ordered the TF-100.


A few few shots from the drone this morning. We are definitely bonding. As you said Beach, its quiet time. Just me and some running water. I'm really looking forward to everything else coming together now. My wife has made a decision on tile, travertine color and also the stacked stone. Can't wait!!!!!
It seems that each step is the next exciting step but gunite is a huge step. All downhill from here. We are about to pull the trigger on about 1100 sq ft of travertine ourselves. We are leaning heavily towards the Solstice Medium Ivory pavers and using the 16x24 size for coping. We have a narrow back yard and need the colors to flow seamlessly from paver to coping. What are you considering for travertine?

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I'm a little late joining this build, your pool is looking great. My pool was completed September 2016, Congrats on your new build [emoji3]!

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Well Kim it's partly not his fault, he showed me the tile and it looked something like this ....

So being the good friend I am I had to tell him the truth. So my friend is currently out picking some new options and I'm sure this time he will get it right and post for our friends at TFP to see ( his next selection will bring joy to your face Kim )

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EWWWWWW! I am so glad you were there for him to help keep him from making such a big mistake! Good job!

Kim:kim: (note to self--------NEVER open a post from Will with anything in my mouth!!!! Going to clean up my keyboard right now!)
It seems that each step is the next exciting step but gunite is a huge step. All downhill from here. We are about to pull the trigger on about 1100 sq ft of travertine ourselves. We are leaning heavily towards the Solstice Medium Ivory pavers and using the 16x24 size for coping. We have a narrow back yard and need the colors to flow seamlessly from paver to coping. What are you considering for travertine?

Where did you check out your travertine? My wife and I can't decide on decking. I'd love to see what you picked.

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