New bottle of R-0871 question


Nov 14, 2020
So I just got in a new bottle of R-0871 for the chlorine test. So when I went to start the test with the new bottle I noticed that it seems the new bottle has smaller drops than the original bottle that I have. I had some of the original bottle left so I preformed the test with both bottles. The original bottle took 7 drops for the liquid to turn clear, where the new bottle took 17 drops. I wiped the tip of the bottle off and tried squeezing the bottle at different speeds, but the size drops on the new bottle never seemed to change. Has anyone else run into an issue like this before? I emailed tftestkits asking about it but it's been a few days and I haven't received a response. From the other bottles in the kit I would say my original bottle has the more "normal" size drops I'm used to, but I'm not sure. Either way I'm within range of the chlorine level pool math recommends, but I'd like to make sure that the results I'm getting are as accurate as possible.
I emailed tftestkits asking about it but it's been a few days and I haven't received a response.
Trey, sorry for your issue and the delay. TFTestkits is a family-owned business who recently experienced a significant event which could explain why there was a delay. I'll tag @Leebo who may be able to help you out. Thanks for your patience and stand-by for more info. They'll take care of you.
squeezing the bottle
Do not squeeze the bottle at all to start. The first two or three drops will form naturally and fall off. Then, if necessary, very light pressure on the bottle to form the drop. Should take at least a second or two for the drop to form.
Same issue the bottle tips are different then Taylor tips and not interchangeable.

I do all my own testing for years been getting 90-100 for Alkalinity for over 6 weeks. I tested with new TF-100 and reading 140-150

CH test with new TF-100 kit 450

I had tested by pool store Spinmaster CH 207

This kit isn’t cheap and wanted to support TFP. Hopefully they will make this right.


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