New Automation System Help


Dec 1, 2019
Hello, I bought a house a few years ago that has a pool/spa with an older automation system. That system is on the brink of death right now (constantly shut offs, won't run at all sometimes, etc), and I'm looking into options to replace it. For reference, here's the current system in use:


It controls the heating of the pool and spa, two sets of lights, and a blower for the spa.

The quotes I've gotten to replace it have been around $5,000, because they all want to replace the actuators, salt water system, etc. In the meantime, I found these two things in our basement:


For reference, the original owner of this house worked at a pool construction company, so I'm unsure if these were just around, or if he originally planned to move over to this system. Not knowing much about it, is this also an automation system that could replace what I currently have? I understand it's probably older as well, so I'm unsure if I'm better off selling this for a little bit of cash towards the new system or trying to integrate this. Any insight is appreciated, I don't want to commit to a huge expenditure unless I have to.
The big gray steel box goes outside and is the center of how everything connects for push button control at this panel. It is manual control.
In the other picture, the piece with the buttons fits in the top part of the big gray box. The other object is a push button control with a screen that goes inside your home. Most likely the plan was to install this and it would have connected to that big gray box via wire.
However, you must have something similar to the big gray box outside by your equipment pad. That is what most likely is connected to that white controller with the blue buttons that you indicate is almost dead.
Probably best you take a picture of your equipment pad and whatever box you have out there and post that so the forum can review and give you further advise.
So in summary - your first picture must connect to some controller that exists at your equipment pad.
Pictures 2 and 3 make up a new control system.
That box is the Aqualink system. The box is the electrical load center and the circuit board installs on the top of the load center. Take that panel off and see what is below it. It looks like you have everything you need to automate your pool with what you pictured except for the JVAs (automated valve motors) which may already be on your valves. If not, they are around $125 each. My guess is they were going to convert to this but never got around to it. That LCD controller with the 5 buttons is $500 by itself. The rest of the system is around $2k. That is a nice system I would for sure install it. Is there a wireless PDA (handheld) controller somewhere?

Here is my system:
Thanks for all of the great info!

To give you some more insight, here is what I currently have outside. Outside of the box that's already in been posted, I have my breaker box, my heater which got smashed by a tree, and my chlorine generator. I realize how junky it is out here and I apologize, we're getting a new fence installed and we had to rip back a ton of stuff, so junk is everywhere.


I also have this box which is sealed and I'm assuming is just power:


I also have two of these automatic actuators. I'm actually not sure what the other one does, I've never seen it move. This one controls flow to the spa/waterfall or the pool:


So I opened up the gray case and it's empty, not sure if that was expected:


I opened up the Aqualink and here are all of the contents of the box, I did not see a wireless remote:


In addition to that, I found this board and switch, neither of what I know are for:


Again, I appreciate the insight! I would love to get this up and going, just need to know where to start. I'll obviously call a professional out, I just want to know what I'm dealing with first.
The Aqualink will replace your entire existing load center. That one circuit board looks like another controller but not sure. Can you post the back of both of those Aqualink panels? You have 2 only one is needed not sure why he got 2. One looks newer than the other though (the one with the 3 extra buttons). There should be a small daughter board with the model number of that Aqualink. Something like "PS4". Last picture is a gas control valve maybe for your heater.
You may not need a daughter board that looks like an older unit they may not have had them then. Also maybe why you have 2. The guy wanted to upgrade so just bought a new main board. I don't see any slots to plug it in.

That lone circuit board is another wall controller I'm pretty sure. It's missing the cover but you don't need that controller anyway the one-touch does it all.
Interestingly the smaller one isn't an old board (to me), neither of them have ever been installed from what I can tell. I'm curious why he has two as well. If I call a pool company out would they be readily able to tell me what I need to get this installed and working, or do I need to look for some sort of specialist?

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I would call Jandy tech support and ask them for a reference based on your zip code. Tell them you seem to have all the components but just need someone to hook it all up.
Also, some pool service companies (that clean pools, provide maintenance, etc.) may also have some expertise so you could research that for your area - maybe through a neighborhood forum.
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I have an old system that went out, and I happen to have an RS6 that I am looking to get installed. It did not come with a PDA (I think that's what they're called?), nor does it have the IQ2.0 kit. It did come with a wired remote. I'd like to install the IQ2.0, but I can't do it yet for financial reasons so I'd like to put it off. My question is, can you not control the system from the JS6 panel itself? I know it has a bunch of buttons, what exactly do those do?

The installer I talked to said he could run the wired remote into my home, but it's expensive for something I don't want long term. Can I control it from the main panel, or should I go ahead and pony up the money for the IQ2.0 now?
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I have an old system that went out, and I happen to have an RS6 that I am looking to get installed. It did not come with a PDA (I think that's what they're called?), nor does it have the IQ2.0 kit. It did come with a wired remote. I'd like to install the IQ2.0, but I can't do it yet for financial reasons so I'd like to put it off. My question is, can you not control the system from the JS6 panel itself? I know it has a bunch of buttons, what exactly do those do?

The installer I talked to said he could run the wired remote into my home, but it's expensive for something I don't want long term. Can I control it from the main panel, or should I go ahead and pony up the money for the IQ2.0 now?

For reference, here are the items that I have to install:


Depends on the Rev level of your board. Look for a sticker on the board telling you what Rev level it is...


Use p/n iQ20-A to upgrade these systems:
  • AquaLink RS - Rev R & newer
  • AquaLink PDA - Rev 6.0 & newer - If you have the Aqualink PDA, and not the RS, the Web Connect Device alone just adds wireless capability to your PDA system. You still use the PDA to program everything. This basically adds SmartPhone ability to turn things on and off. It is a wholly useless upgrade.
  • AquaLink Z4 - all revisions
Use p/n iQ20-RS to upgrade these systems:
  • AquaLink RS - Rev QQQ & older
  • AquaLink PDA - Rev 5.0 & older
You can control it, but not program it. But that is for sure an older system. Check the rev like Allen suggests and see what is needed for the upgrade. With an older system you might luck out and find the components on eBay for a few hundred.

For the OneTouch, I just happened to have recently made a video on how to install it. Anyone with basic knowledge and the desire to save money should be able to install it. You should be able to fully program the system from the OneTouch. This video will probably help you with a lot of questions on the Aqualink.

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So it looks like I have the very first board, revision A.


With that being said, it looks like I'll need the more expensive version of the upgrade to the wireless system? Something like this?

Your system is old for sure, does it support wireless access? Your system is the old style where that entire board needed to be replaced to add features. The newer style has a daughter board that attaches to the back of the main board that contains the features allowing you just to upgrade the daughter board. I think you need to look at a new RS complete module, which you can get for a few hundred (below example). I sure would not get the IQ900 if I had to upgrade anyway. Just the IQ20.

Below is just 2 I picked randomly from ebay. What RS system you get depends on what you need to control. I have the RS4 P or S since I do not have a spa and only have a couple things I need to control. You may need an RS6 or RS8 and if you have a spa you'd need a "P&S" system. Also keep in mind, if you get an RS system that you can control from your phone and web interface, you don't need that OneTouch controller that you have. You could almost certainly get $500 plus selling that, maybe more. That would offset the new RS main board.

Make sure you get an "RS" board and not a "PDA" board. Many people have a spare PDA board (me included) as they upgraded to the full RS and don't need that PDA board any more so they try to sell it.


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