Neighbors Pool

Mar 7, 2018
Las Vegas NV
First off I’m a true believer in TFP methodology as I have been using it almost a year. My question is for my neighbors pool. He just had a replaster job done last week mini pebble and he knows nothing about pools. He has been pool stored. I went ahead and bought him a TF-100 kit and gave it to him and I asked him to read the ABC’s, Pool School ect. He hasn’t had the time. I’m heading over to get his pool started again. I first need to figure out the volume in gallons, I know how to do that, but here is the question.
Should I raise CYA to 30ppm and have him gradually increase to 40 over the next few days? Or go for just under 40 to start.
I hate to say it, but I think you are going to be his new maintenance person. If he is not interested now in doing what is needed for a trouble-free pool, he never will be. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Good luck all the same but I would have an exit plan if I was you and make sure your neighbor knows when you are going to stop being his pool caretaker.
Be careful you are walking into a mine field in my opinion. His pool, his responsibility, his consequences. You paid it forward with the test kit and the information access and what was the result? It is not that important to learn how to care for his own pool. So what does he expect to happen now?
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