Need some help

First, I'm not certain you will be getting a very accurate reading with that test kit.

I would get either the TF-100 or Taylor K2006C first then go from there.
It could end up saving you a lot of time and effort to make things right.

Either way, you will be eventually adding acid to lower the ph and baking soda to Raise the TA.
I'm still not sold on the ColorQ.

Please do not confuse the specificity of the results the ColorQ gives with accuracy. We have had members attempt to use the ColorQ to follow our methods and almost all have abandoned its use due to inaccuracies and inconsistencies. We even had one member test the same sample of water three times in a row and ended up with three different sets of results.

Here is an example of a ColorQ post: ColorQ vs TF100 and here is a review where the Color Q was used alongside a TF-100. Test Kit Comparison
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