Need recommendation for replacement Filter


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Apr 10, 2015
San Jose, CA
I think the lower body of my Hayward c3030 has a crack. There's a slow drip from underneath when the filter is running. I'm a bit reluctant to get another Hayward since this thing has failed, but maybe that's just the way things go. It's about 8-10 years old as I recall. Anyone have any info about relative quality between Hayward and Pentair?

Hayward / Pentair filter quality is likely basically the same.

I had a Hayward DE filter crack in less than 3 years at previous house.
In current house I have the exact same filter that was there when I bought the house 9 years ago with no issues.

FYI, for a 30k pool in your location, I would suggest a minimum of a 420 sqft cartridge filter, bigger is better.
Maybe, just maybe that slow drip is coming from the drain plug.

We have an 18 yr old Hayward C-4000 Super Star Clear (400 sq.ft) and still going strong. I replaced the bottom manifold and o-rings just recently as a preventative measure. Otherwise, the shell is in good shape and looks very sturdy. Except, I get the itch whenever my arms rubbed against it. That reminds me to wear long sleeves!
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