losing my patience

So test FC and CC in the morning.....I think you will see a reduction in CC's - post your results

At this stage, I would test FC only 2-3 times every 24 hours......you are in the homestretch.

That you pool is not clearer is puzzling.....are you getting good flow back into the pool? what is your current psi?
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I am going thru a similar deal... water is clear but after nearly a week of SLAMing my OCLT and CCs tell me the chlorine is still killing something. Your 3 CC means you aren’t over the hill yet so don’t give up.

Make sure you are sure on your CYA levels. I still struggle with it sometimes. There are some good threads on here about it. If your CYA levels aren’t accurate then your shock level will be wrong. Unless your CYA is sky high avoid changing out so much water, because you’re backwashing away all the bleach you’re adding.

On the filter you need to troubleshoot to find out why your water isn’t clearing. I have zero experience with sand so can’t help you there.
I'm back with an update and NO change. For the past week, my numbers have not changed much.
FC-16 (slam level)
CC-.5 (been at .5 for 6 days)
Chlorine does not fall overnight. Brush and skim daily. Great flow into pool, PSI around 14 (That is our normal). We did a deep clean on the sand filter and it was dirty but not horrible. I understand that sand filters take time, I just think that something is not right.

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Just keep slamming. Are you SURE on your CYA? You say 40 but if it is above 40 at all on the tube round up to 50. Try going with the 50 CYA slam level of 20 FC perhaps. Of course don’t do this if you are for sure on the CYA. Make sure you are brushing and vacuuming daily if not more. Moving water can only do so much.
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You're definitely in what I consider the hardest part when you need the most Pool Owner Patience. Speaking from experience, when I found this site many many years ago I had a 5k gallon AGP that was such a dark green it was almost black. It took me just over a month to clear it following all the advice given above. Plenty of times I wanted to quit or thought this wasn't working. I kept brushing and vacuuming the bottom to waste to get it out. One day it just broke and I could see the bottom and it was all downhill from there until today. I got faith in ya.... stay the course.
Just keep slamming. Are you SURE on your CYA? You say 40 but if it is above 40 at all on the tube round up to 50. Try going with the 50 CYA slam level of 20 FC perhaps. Of course don’t do this if you are for sure on the CYA. Make sure you are brushing and vacuuming daily if not more. Moving water can only do so much.
I second this @firefightingfamily , you can always bump to the next CYA shock level if there is any question at all :)
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