Liner Color and Algae

Jul 11, 2009
I had my 15 year old dark blue Liner which had a tear and was heavily faded replaced at close last year with a lighter blue Loop-Loc liner (Camino Lagoon).
My question is; Does the color of the liner impact Algae on the pool Liner?
I've heard darker liners have less Algae issues.

I never had any algae issues with the darker liner even after it faded - mostly on the bottom not the walls.
With this new lighter liner I get algae on the walls near the returns and on the steps, typically a foot or so down.
I've been scrubbing walls daily and my chemical levels have been monitored and kept stable.
CH 3-4
PH - 7.5
Alk - 100
CYA - 45

I don't think it's the liner. How are you testing your water?

At a CYA of 50 (round up - can't measure between the lines), the minimum FC is 4 and the target FC for a non-SWG pool is 6-8. Odds are your FC is dipping too low, allowing algae to grow. I would try keeping your FC up around 6 and don't let it fall below 4.
I've heard darker liners have less Algae issues.
Not here you haven't.

Spend less time wherever you heard that, and more time here. :)
I've been scrubbing walls daily and my chemical levels have been monitored and kept stable.
CH 3-4
PH - 7.5
Alk - 100
CYA - 45
You left off the only one that keeps the algae at bay. The FC. Your CYA rounds up to a 50. Target that per the FC/CYA Levels

You are welcome to do an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test first to prove FC loss without the sun burning it up, but visible algae pretty much confirms a need to SLAM Process.

How are you testing ?
I don't think it's the liner. How are you testing your water?

At a CYA of 50 (round up - can't measure between the lines), the minimum FC is 4 and the target FC for a non-SWG pool is 6-8. Odds are your FC is dipping too low, allowing algae to grow. I would try keeping your FC up around 6 and don't let it fall below 4.
All Taylor reagents except for OTO for PH. Also Combined CH is zero and has been post initial open.
Will raise FC and see it still occurs.
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