Leaving closed

Jul 21, 2015
Long Island, NY
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hopefully it won't be the case this year, but just trying to think ahead, it maybe difficult to get all the chemicals to run the pool safely this year.

If I end up not opening it this year, is there anything I need to do? I currently have a loop loc over the pool, but with lots of rain the pool looks very full.

Would it be okay just to put in some mosquito dunks or is there more? Would I be setting myself up for bigger problems in the future if I don't open it?
Since your signature does not mention a SWG I assume you use chlorine? Not sure how things are in NY, but lowes and home depot have plenty of liquid chlorine here. If you dont want to go in I think you can order online, and I think they will bring it out to you. Not sure what else you need but they have pretty much all of the essentials. I know that my family, and I will be using our pool even more this summer with all the restrictions due to COVID19. As far as leaving it closed we would need to know more about what condition it is in currently. Is the water green, or still somewhat clear. You could test the water. I am sure it needs some FC. Do you have a good test kit? Can you post your test results?
Aside the soupy pond next year, I think one concern might be organic staining. That's an unknown side effect depending on what makes it under the cover and grows. Still, organic stains can generally be removed with chlorine & brushing over time, but that's the only thing that really jumps-out in my mind.
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