Itchy skin: CYA 50 / FC 6


New member
May 26, 2024
I started to use TFP recommendations 2 months ago and so far the water stays clean

However I tried to use the pool few times with FC 6-7 and it was not great experience. Even though I went to the shower within 10-15 minutes after the swimming, my skin got itchy for next 24 hours.
I do not have this issue after using my community pool and my experience was better when I used my pool with FC 2.5-35 FC.

My first theory is that it could be due to high FC levels - if you google safe FC ranges for the pool - most recommendations are 1 to 4ppm

I would be curious:
- how TFP recommendations are going along with other sources recommendations regarding safe FC levels. I.e - is it safe to be in the water with FC = 7 or 8?

- What else could be the cause of the skin irritation beside FC?

Thank you in advance

My water testing were (Using Taylor K 2005 and FAS-DPD Kit):
CYA = 45
FC =6
CC= 0
PH = 7.6
TA = 70
Hardness = 280
Temperature 84F
Other water chemistry guidelines only vaguely give lip service to or entirely disregard the CYA/chlorine relationship, hence the blanket policy of "1-4 ppm FC", which means virtually nothing if you don't know the CYA level. It's also why other pool care programs don't work.

Totally unstabilized water (0 CYA) with a FC of 1, for example, would be significantly harsher than your current pool water.

All of that being said, it's extremely likely this has nothing to do with your chlorine level and probably has to do with something else. There have been threads on here over the years discussing bacteria and other nasties in the water causing rashes and itching, and maybe some of our more veteran members have some ideas.
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Welcome to TFP. Itchy skin is typically pH or CCs.

Are these test results from the day that you went swimming?
How are you chlorinating the pool?
Was this a day that only you went swimming, or were there other swimmers and sun?

As a first test for you is to lower your pH to 7.4, take a full set of test result, and take a swim. Report back.
Thank you for your replies, folks!
Some answers:
- Yes the test was from day I went swimming
- My kids were swimming next day and reported discomfort also
- I think one day it was sunny, the other was sunset already

Thanks for pointing at PH and CC. I will do more swims/tastings and update