There simply has to be a better way to allow us full control over our systems and I'm guessing a bridge to Apple Home would do it.
You probably don't need a "noob" like me to make a suggestion to someone with your level of experience. However...
If you might allow me, you could always look into Home Assistant which integrates with Apple Home/HomeKit. This would allow you a bridge via nodejs-poolController (an added benefit), into IntelliCenter.

However, I see from your signature that you are running Pentair EasyTouch 8 and not IntelliCenter.
No matter, works for EasyTouch as well as IntelliTouch I believe.
I'd be happy to suggest the following sites to see if this might be something that you may want to look into.


Just a thought... It may not be the perfect solution that you are looking for but maybe it might help a little.
As Mr. Spock is fond of saying, 'I'd like to think that there are always..... possibilities'.
Take care Sir...
I'm all in for an API. However, they should be very careful here. The gateway in the cloud is a cost center not a revenue maker. It exists to expand the product line with features not drag through revenue. Once you start banging an API online, the requirements in the cloud really start to grow even at only 12,000 units. They should be looking at local API on the controller if they want it to be reliable and not cost an unmitigated fortune. The landscape of cloud solutions change rapidly as IoT platforms rise and fall. These days there are a whole lot more falling than rising. If you want a reason to not build a cloud based API take a moment to understand what happened to Samsung, Ezlo, Nest, and a whole myriad of other device-cloud-device services. I don't think success can be measured by an acquisition for Pentair.

They should look at their own product lines and witness what has gone on there. The automation on a pool lasts much longer than even smart vehicle systems. Most models earlier than 2016 can no longer connect to their respective manufacturer services and Pentair is not Ford, BMW, GM, Mercedes, or even Samsung. All of these brands have overflowed the IoT dustbin in less than 10 years. When you match that to the fact that Pentair is still selling EasyTouch systems for some unknown reason and even resurrecting the undercarriage of IntelliTouch for pared down products, you realize the effect of gravity on an anchor chain.

Perhaps, they have tooling agreements that they still need to satisfy or are having problems getting silicon. I can't imagine it is cheaper to manufacture the boards for IntelliTouch or EasyTouch vs IntelliCenter as they are both multi-layer boards. In fact when my motherboard for IntelliTouch went out the last time, it was a cheaper option to just upgrade vs repair IntelliTouch. That was pre-world shutting down. Then again they just announced new SKUs for IntelliCenter so what do I know. From the outside it just looks frenetic. I imagine it looks like a one-legged but kicking contest on the inside.

I know there are some folks that were shaken by the last firmware release but IntelliCenter really is a step ahead of everyone else including their own dated platforms. If you have an opinion on how good or bad IntelliCenter is, you probably haven't suffered all of them. IntelliCenter with the current firmware (1.064) is really solid and it offers a good UI on their wired and wireless control panels.

@scrumpto I would agree with a Matter bridge device but it isn't a have all be all. And for all the hype the jury is still out. Nobody is really shipping a device that connects reliably to it and all of the folks on the payroll are claiming what matter will do or should do not what it does. It amazes me that the claim was 190 products to be certified in 2022. You can count the number consumer products that shipped with 1 hand but only if you touch your forefinger to the tip of your thumb. Lots of hubs but no devices but that stands to reason given the cost to update firmware to make a hub matter is soooo much less expensive than designing and manufacturing a device. Even then the device can be rejected by a third party so if you don't have the R&D bucks to pay the testing facility and the time to work your way through the cert process your device can never be provisioned.

Even then you still need a local API speaking the protocol which most likely will need a device within the range of the equipment pad. Pools are often located just beyond the sane communication range of indoor equipment and are filled with noisy radio interference. Finally, the matter device category list is prescriptive at this point and there is no short method to get a new device category created. As you can imagine color light bulbs and media players are way up on the list. Pool pumps and chlorinators probably not so much.

@MyAZPool is correct there are solutions available right now that will take your EasyTouch to pretty much any HA platform you desire. We'll see where matter takes us and if it lives up to the hype, then maybe njsPC will get a transport layer on it. You can have it on your HomeKit today though.
Thanks again @MyAZPool - did you get any feel for when the next release is likely to land? I am quite keen to see how the improved communication between panels in version impacts my system.
@SA Pentair User
Yea, no problem... Well not really. They may not be at a point where they care to confirm a proposed release date on v2.010. If I get anything that they are comfortable releasing, I'll be happy to put it out to the community.
PM me if you may be interested in getting an early beta version to check out however. They may be interested in dealing with you directly based on your unusual circumstances (location, multiple panels, multiple pools, equipment, etc.)
Thanks again for your participation here. We keyed in on many of your points...
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I'm planning on polling the IntelliCenter group here and ask who may be interested in becoming beta field testers. If this has a keen interest, we may be able to establish a way for the field coordinator to reach out to any and all interested users and still maintain a level of personal privacy. I would suggest that the field coordinator provide a point-of-contact means of communications so each interested user can contact them individually.
Any IntelliCenter users who may be interested in beta-testing a future release of the mobile apps (iOS and Android),
Please see the following message.
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I'm all in for an API. However, they should be very careful here. The gateway in the cloud is a cost center not a revenue maker. It exists to expand the product line with features not drag through revenue. Once you start banging an API online, the requirements in the cloud really start to grow even at only 12,000 units. They should be looking at local API on the controller if they want it to be reliable and not cost an unmitigated fortune. The landscape of cloud solutions change rapidly as IoT platforms rise and fall. These days there are a whole lot more falling than rising. If you want a reason to not build a cloud based API take a moment to understand what happened to Samsung, Ezlo, Nest, and a whole myriad of other device-cloud-device services. I don't think success can be measured by an acquisition for Pentair.

They should look at their own product lines and witness what has gone on there. The automation on a pool lasts much longer than even smart vehicle systems. Most models earlier than 2016 can no longer connect to their respective manufacturer services and Pentair is not Ford, BMW, GM, Mercedes, or even Samsung. All of these brands have overflowed the IoT dustbin in less than 10 years. When you match that to the fact that Pentair is still selling EasyTouch systems for some unknown reason and even resurrecting the undercarriage of IntelliTouch for pared down products, you realize the effect of gravity on an anchor chain.

Perhaps, they have tooling agreements that they still need to satisfy or are having problems getting silicon. I can't imagine it is cheaper to manufacture the boards for IntelliTouch or EasyTouch vs IntelliCenter as they are both multi-layer boards. In fact when my motherboard for IntelliTouch went out the last time, it was a cheaper option to just upgrade vs repair IntelliTouch. That was pre-world shutting down. Then again they just announced new SKUs for IntelliCenter so what do I know. From the outside it just looks frenetic. I imagine it looks like a one-legged but kicking contest on the inside.

I know there are some folks that were shaken by the last firmware release but IntelliCenter really is a step ahead of everyone else including their own dated platforms. If you have an opinion on how good or bad IntelliCenter is, you probably haven't suffered all of them. IntelliCenter with the current firmware (1.064) is really solid and it offers a good UI on their wired and wireless control panels.

@scrumpto I would agree with a Matter bridge device but it isn't a have all be all. And for all the hype the jury is still out. Nobody is really shipping a device that connects reliably to it and all of the folks on the payroll are claiming what matter will do or should do not what it does. It amazes me that the claim was 190 products to be certified in 2022. You can count the number consumer products that shipped with 1 hand but only if you touch your forefinger to the tip of your thumb. Lots of hubs but no devices but that stands to reason given the cost to update firmware to make a hub matter is soooo much less expensive than designing and manufacturing a device. Even then the device can be rejected by a third party so if you don't have the R&D bucks to pay the testing facility and the time to work your way through the cert process your device can never be provisioned.

Even then you still need a local API speaking the protocol which most likely will need a device within the range of the equipment pad. Pools are often located just beyond the sane communication range of indoor equipment and are filled with noisy radio interference. Finally, the matter device category list is prescriptive at this point and there is no short method to get a new device category created. As you can imagine color light bulbs and media players are way up on the list. Pool pumps and chlorinators probably not so much.

@MyAZPool is correct there are solutions available right now that will take your EasyTouch to pretty much any HA platform you desire. We'll see where matter takes us and if it lives up to the hype, then maybe njsPC will get a transport layer on it. You can have it on your HomeKit today though.

If anyone's going to chime in on automation, it's Robert!
I'm glad someone is having meetings with Pentair pool automation. Beyond all the defects and improvements, their processes for software development and tech support are severely lacking. If they improve that (or take it seriously enough with budget, staffing and expertise), then the rest will follow (Architecture, design, features, UX, quality).
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