Inground steps in semi inground pool


Bronze Supporter
Jul 6, 2017
Kinston, NC
Has anyone installed an above or semi in ground pool with in ground steps? I understand that the steps must be put on concrete to keep them from moving. I also would assume that some back fill against the steps would be necessary. I am installing an Aquasport 52 17x32 partially buried above ground.


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I think it would be best to ask the company selling you your pool. I have not seen anyone that has done this. I have no idea how one would got about it to tell you the truth! Let us know what they say please so we can learn from you .

Going to backfill soon. Since it will have a deck around it, I am only going to back fill around the steps up to the line for the trim strip. If I ever have stripping out of the screws, I will need to access the backside of the trim strips to put a washer and nut (future planning). Steps are shimmed on top of the blocks. No movement at all. Large triangles on the sides of the steps help support wall and water.

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I bought steps from local pool store. Cheapest steps are online from Florida. But I was concerned that I'd have problems if they were not right. I chose the higher priced local store. Truck shipping the large steps are an issue. Of note, Doughboy pools have an option for a step like this. However, I wanted an aluminum frame. Mine is a Buster Crabbe (well built pools, nasty attitude at the NJ plant)
Great job, there are a lot of on grounds in my area. Reason being concrete around here is brutal to keep from cracking.

Couple of neighbors actually have in ground pools that were purposely placed 2’ out of the ground so they could build decks similar to yours.
Steve, admiring your set up. We just put an aquasport in and now its time to work on the deck. I can’t zoom to see your pictures but how did you handle the rails? I want to go over the rail but can’t think of a way to get past the bolts. The only way I can think of to get around the bolts is to drill the composite...

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