IG Pool remodel in Tempe AZ

Starting to look amazing.

Should be done next week with everything. Have pavers and synthetic turf to put down yet.









The stone work on the planter is very pretty! Is that what will be on the fireplace also?

Are the bricks inside heat shields? Is there any thing to keep the heat away from the pool equipment? (I am sure there is but wanted to know what you are using)

I agree with Kim - the stonework on the planter is very nice. Good photo of the firebricks inside the fireplace. The entertainment area is looking really nice. It also looks like you have a good amount of privacy. - Karen
The stone work on the planter is very pretty! Is that what will be on the fireplace also?

Are the bricks inside heat shields? Is there any thing to keep the heat away from the pool equipment? (I am sure there is but wanted to know what you are using)

Thanks were very happy with the stonework and color choice. Yes the fireplace will be covered with the same stone. The top of the planter and mantle/hearth on the fireplace will all be travertine. The inside of the fireplace has firebrick and it just helps with high temp heat.

Here is the travertine were using.
Coming along nicely. Today they finished most of the interior of the fireplace. Stucco'd the small new retaining wall to hide the pool equipment. Finished the planter and capped it with the travertine. All new electrical and plumbing to the planter was completed. A new outlet was ran to the back of the fireplace and the drywell was completed as well.

Tomorrow they will finish the irrigation for the planters, the stone veneer on the fireplace and start grading the ground for the pavers that showed up today.





Interesting to see the differences in street lamps across the country.

Here in FL, they are usually mounted to the wooden utility poles used by the electric company, and are wired off the transformers that supply service to the house. We actually had a light installed on our utility pole aimed at our driveway. We live in a heavily wooded and secluded area with limerock roads, and consequently, no reflectors or concrete light posts. The electric company only charged us $70 to come out, and install the fixture they provided, and they are responsible for the maintenance of the bulb/ballast. It only costs us $5/month extra on our electric bill.

I wouldn't want one in the backyard, though. A house on the next street over had the electric company install an additional utility pole w/ lamp in his backyard. I have no idea what they charged in his case, for the wire, pole, and time, and would not want that big eyesore with the really long hanging wire in my backyard.

The work on the pool looks great. That pebble tec really makes it look special. The rest of the work being done in the backyard looks awesome as well.
Well, I am sure the light and warmth from the fireplace will be more enjoyable than the light from the streetlight in the back yard. We have four 40' foot lights in our arena that can light up 20 acres. They come in handy when you have to bring the horses in at night, or when the concrete guys shows up at 6am and need extra light to pour the decking! (The neighbors LOVE it!). I'm really excited about watching the progress of your fireplace. - Karen

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That is so nice looking! I love how they are waiting to do the "hard" cuts for the fireplace. You can almost hear them saying "I will save these for in the morning when I am fresh".

The planter-WOW! What are you going to put on top of the dirt? Here we use pine straw. It holds moisture and look prettier than the dirt.

That is so nice looking! I love how they are waiting to do the "hard" cuts for the fireplace. You can almost hear them saying "I will save these for in the morning when I am fresh".

The planter-WOW! What are you going to put on top of the dirt? Here we use pine straw. It holds moisture and look prettier than the dirt.

Home Depot here sells colored wood chips so we will probably do that in a black color to go over top.

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