How not to make a Skimmer Basket grabber pole.


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Jul 7, 2014
Bedford, TX
I normally just stick my hand in the water to grab my skimmer baskets, but today is a little colder than normal so I thought I'd make a very simple PVC pole with a slot on one end to capture the basket handle.

Took it out and it just would not capture the bar across the middle of the basket. Frustrated, and already cold, I just used my hands to finish the job.

My pole looked like this...

Skimmer Basket Pole.jpg

It did not take long to locate the problem.. :mrgreen: :brickwall:


Jim R.
Ouch! That stinks! Cold weather slowing the neurotransmitters in the ol' noggin.

Good news is that it looks like it can easily be modified to work correctly, so you didn't actually waste the material!

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Cut off the end and then use (2) 90s to make a J hook.
I made one of these and added a coated 3 inch deck screw at a 45 degree angle so I didn't have to bend down to remove the skimmer lid. It doesn't do so well putting the lid back on, but I just play lid soccer until it's in the right spot.

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Thank you, Jim, for the laugh :) The type of mistake we've all made a million times! But, as an aside, for not very much money forego the cobbled together homemade gadgets for one that does the job properly. This one
-- has a hook on one end for pulling the skimmer lid off/putting it back on
-- is long enough so that you don't have to bend over throughout the whole process
-- doesn't live in the skimmer so doesn't have a problem with creepy crawlies sitting on it waiting for you
-- has a design that allows easy twirling of the basket to pull all the debris into the center before pulling the basket up
-- is long enough to knock around under the weir door and get any junk out from under there out before pulling the basket up
-- lets your hand be alot further away from anything disgusting that might be in the basket than something like the skimmer angel does
Mine is five years old, lives outside all the time, and still looks brand new!

I had no idea these existed until I went to my neighbor's house and saw them. I was just sucking it up and reaching my hand in there in the cold water. How primitive I was!Screen Shot 2022-12-24 at 8.06.48 AM.png
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I had no idea these existed until I went to my neighbor's house and saw them. I was just sucking it up and reaching my hand in there in the cold water. How primitive I was!View attachment 466256
The only down side to this type of handle is that you can't use skimmer socks/hairnets with them.

I found the skimpro tower to add, which allows skimmer socks to still be utilized. Check it out here... Sticker Shock Or here... Using a skimmer sock with a SkimPro skimmer basket with a long vented handle in the middle

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I have Hayward Skimmer. This works with both skimmer sock (pictured) and hair net. I use socks for the early pollen, then switch to hair net for remainder of the buggy season.
View attachment 466890
I love this site! I have a few extra big zip ties that have now found a use!
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