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Find thinner socks for next time. To finish this time up, I would just keep squeezing them out throughout the day today. That should get it. It will eventually all dissolve, just may take a little bit longer. No rush.


I didn't think about it, but I put the hair nets over the skimmer. Any reason I couldn't put the CYA in another hair net and either tie the opening or rubber band it closed and set it inside the skimmer hair net? Seems that should work better
Any reason I couldn't put the CYA in another hair net and either tie the opening or rubber band it closed and set it inside the skimmer hair net?
That is fine. Goal is to not block the skimmer, keep the raw CYA granules from going to your filter, and be sure the CYA is fully dissolved before the pump is turned off.
It won't do any harm to leave the tabs in until they dissolve. You should add CYA to get to 30 or 40 ppm for now (CYA takes some time to dissolve and dissipate, so add conservatively and test after 24 hours before adding more). Add bleach to get to 4 or 5 ppm for now (if your FAS-DPD test hasn't arrived yet, measure the best you can with the tests you have, or just use Pool Math to estimate how much bleach to add).

Generally speaking, you should add chemicals in front of a return with the pump running, and wait 15-30 minutes between chemical types (see How long to wait between adding pool chemicals).

CYA should be added using the sock method (see Recommended Pool Chemicals).

Latest tests indicate:

pH = 8
FC = 2.6
CC = 0
CH = 320
CYA = 40
Temp = 53*
CSI = 0.06

Looking at the "Free Chlorine and Cyanuric Acid Relationship Explained" article, they give the recommendation based on SWG or Chlorine. Right now my SWG isn't running, so I assume use the Chlorine option. Tells me CYA = 40 | FC Min = 3 | Target Range = 5-7

PoolMath says I should boost CYA to Ideal = 70-80 | Recommended = 60-90. Do I go with 70 or 60?
60 = nearly 4lbs while 70 would be nearly 5.9lbs of CYA.

Should I go with the 60ppm then shoot for 5 FC which would be adding 40oz of bleach/4lbs CYA? I'm about to add 17oz of 31%MA to bring my pH down.
Follow the liquid chlorine reccomendations while it's too cold for the SWG. When it starts working again, then raise the CYA. Otherwise you'll have higher targets and use more LC now.

Your poolmath is still set to salt so it's reccomending likewise. You can either change it in settings or ignore the 'ideal range' for another month. (y)
The 40 CYA is fine until the SWG fires up. It's the eaaaaaaaaaarly season and daily demand hasn't cranked up yet. You won't be losing much per day.
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I just got back from a 6 day trip to Boston (watching my Brother in law run the Boston Marathon!) and finally got to testing the pool. It appears my FC is at 0. I have been using liquid chlorine to raise the FC levels, but I am currently out at the moment. I do have a SWG but haven't started it yet. I only have 800ppm SALT. Can I go ahead and turn on the SWG and let it run now that the temp is staying above 65*?

Will it hurt anything with my Salt levels at 800 at the current moment? I have 6 bags of Salt I picked up before we left but didn't get a chance to add them. I'm assuming if it is fine to run now, it just won't product much chlorine. Is that correct? The pool is still clear (besides the pollen). Here was the latest test I did this morning. I added 20oz of 31* Muriatic acid which was all I had left in the jug. So I need to pick up some of that as well.

  • 0.0 FC
  • 8.2 pH
  • 70 TA
  • 300 CH
  • 800 SALT
  • 71 °F TEMP
  • 0.40 CSI
Thanks 🍻
You need to add liquid chlorine, now. Get FC to target level and maintain that.

You must add enough salt to raise the salinity to the level needed by the SWCG before it will generate any chlorine.

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You need to add liquid chlorine, now. Get FC to target level and maintain that.

You must add enough salt to raise the salinity to the level needed by the SWCG before it will generate any chlorine.
Thanks for the quick response. Will go pick up some more and get it in there.

Is it normal to see my pH raise by about .2 every day? Pool was new and filled about 2 months ago. I believe the TA helps to stabilize pH levels correct? Do I also need to raise my TA levels? It is currently at 70 and 50-90 is recommended.
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