Help with SWCG Installation


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TFP Guide
May 20, 2020
Katy TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Due to a leak on my Puck Chlorinator, my timeline to install a SWCG just got pulled forward.
Since I have to change some of the plumbing, I will go ahead with a SWCG installation. This is a 2 part question.

First is placement. I am a little cramped on space. Basically I have a line coming from my heater to a 3 way valve. That splits to either the Spa Return or the Pool Return. The distance between those 2 returns is only 20 inches. See pictures.
I think it will be best to put the SWCG on the Pool Return side of the 3 way valve. I have a line (underground - most likely under my deck) that branches from the pool return that goes to the spa. So whenever I am in pool mode, I have flow going to the pool and 1 outlet to the spa. This means my spa always flows to the pool (except when in Spa Mode). Therefore, a SWCG on the Pool Return side will also chlorinate the Spa. The only time the Spa will not be receiving chlorine is in Spa Mode. That is minimal time and I can always dump some LC in it if needed.
So I have attached a drawing with dimensions that shows current installation and a proposed installation that only requires me to make 2 cuts but I need to run the SWCG line on a higher horizontal line then turn to come back to the fixed return line going underground.
I am open to other ideas or suggestions. I do not have any limitations on going higher or going past the return pipe to the right (pict 1) which goes in front of the heater. Picture #2 is showing same but from opposite side (facing a fence and narrow walkway) Picture 3 is a top view of the return piping. You can see convoluted piping from heater to the 3-way return valve makes it very difficult to place a SWCG after the heater and before the return 3 way valve.

IMG_7675.JPEGIMG_7677.JPEGReturn Plumbing Top View.jpg

Second is which SWCG should I get.
I have iAqualink automation so that has me leaning to Jandy AquaPure 1400 but that has a $3000 price tag and possibly a month or more for delivery.
Another option is CircuPool 45Plus which is under $2000 and in stock. I would have to manually adjust the SWCG at the equipment pad.
A 3rd option is Pentair IC40 or another brand. I have not investigated any further for delivery timelines.
Regardless of which one, the installation will be the same, other than the Jandy SWCG does not have a separate flow switch as it has a flow sensor built in to the SWCG.
Please provide suggestions or other ideas. Thanks.


  • Proposed SWCG Hookup.pdf
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Another install option is something like the CP vertical installation kit. You wouldn't need the 90 after cell...just a straight shot down. You don't need to buy the kit...just need 3 elbows and some scrap pipe.

Another install option is something like the CP vertical installation kit. You wouldn't need the 90 after cell...just a straight shot down. You don't need to buy the kit...just need 3 elbows and some scrap pipe.

View attachment 425810
I was thinking about this concept but didn't think I had enough horizontal space between the 3 way valve and the pool return. But this shows 6.5 inches and I have 10 inches so this may work. @Newdude suggested same concept.
I am sure it matters but can you confirm - does the flow switch position on the leg that flows up and SWCG on leg that goes down? Or is it the opposite? Or does it matter? For some reason I have in my mind that the SWCG needs to be on the leg with flow going upwards. Thanks
For some reason I have in my mind that the SWCG needs to be on the leg with flow going upwards. Thanks
Pentair, one of the circupool and others with an internal flow switch need to have up flow.

The other circupool and ones with external flow switches can go up, down or horizontal. Their stand alone flow switches need to be up or horizontal.
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If you need more room, take it and loop back to the return pipe

View attachment 425843

Or go short and long to the right before looping back.

View attachment 425844
Your 2nd option with SWCG on horizontal was my initial thought, shown in my PDF of the original post. I was also including a flow switch on that horizontal leg as well. Thanks.
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