HELP! With configuring EasyTouch Control Panel.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
My remodel was finished, and my pool filled today. I finally turned on the EasyTouch Panel and started trying to configure things - I didn't want to try anything out before and risk turning the pump on accidentally while it was empty. However, I cannot figure out ANYTHING on this panel! I shouldn't have worried about turning the pump on accidentally, because now I can't even figure out how to do it deliberately. The pool builder told me I'd be able to download an app and manage things that way, which would be good enough until I can figure out the schedules in the panel, but I can't figure that out either. Am I really dumb, or is this beyond confusing? I'm an IT professional so I thought it'd be relatively simple, but so far I have managed to:
1. turn on the light by pressing the relay button for it (don't know how to change colors or modes, though)
2. turn on my water feature pump (a simple single-speed pump on a relay)
3. set the date and time on the panel

Does anyone have experience configuring these things from scratch? I am utterly stumped, and the manuals I have aren't helping, either.

Do you have ScreenLogic loaded on a PC? If not, do that first, as it makes programming child's play.. :mrgreen:

I can help, but it is time for me to sign off tonight.

We have several member that can help, but if they don't tonight, I'll see what I can do tomorrow.

In the meantime, you can search my name and ScreenLogic and should come up with a ton of hits.


Jim R.
There are several levels of issues you're facing.

Is this a new EasyTouch installation? EasyTouch is scheduled for obsolescence in November 2023 so it's regrettable that any new ones are still being installed. If you can ask for an IntelliCenter to replace it, you should try that.

Your signature shows you have ScreenLogic. If that's the case, you will probably want to program the EasyTouch via ScreenLogic as opposed to pushing buttons on the panel. Our local expert @Jimrahbe has popped in and can help in that regard.

Finally, yes, the ET can be programmed from scratch via the panel. Lacking ScreenLogic, I've done it, but it required learning a second language. Pentarian is similar to English, but a bit harder to understand. If you want or need to go that route, I can help. But you have to start by absorbing the ET user manual. There is a hierarchy of menus which might eventually make sense to you. You'll also need to understand how the relays in your ET are configured.

So don't panic, but swap out the ET for an IntelliCenter if you can before going down the ET rabbit hole.
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Do you have ScreenLogic loaded on a PC? If not, do that first, as it makes programming child's play.. :mrgreen:
Ok, I've downloaded ScreenLogic on my PC. But I don't know how to connect it to my panel. Searching more info now...
There are several levels of issues you're facing.

Is this a new EasyTouch installation? EasyTouch is scheduled for obsolescence in November 2023 so it's regrettable that any new ones are still being installed. If you can ask for an IntelliCenter to replace it, you should try that.

Your signature shows you have ScreenLogic. If that's the case, you will probably want to program the EasyTouch via ScreenLogic as opposed to pushing buttons on the panel. Our local expert @Jimrahbe has popped in and can help in that regard.

Finally, yes, the ET can be programmed from scratch via the panel. Lacking ScreenLogic, I've done it, but it required learning a second language. Pentarian is similar to English, but a bit harder to understand. If you want or need to go that route, I can help. But you have to start by absorbing the ET user manual. There is a hierarchy of menus which might eventually make sense to you. You'll also need to understand how the relays in your ET are configured.

So don't panic, but swap out the ET for an IntelliCenter if you can before going down the ET rabbit hole.
It is a new EasyTouch installation, just installed a few weeks ago. I didn't know it was going end-of-life soon, and that's disappointing that my pool builder didn't say anything about it. I can ask them, but I seriously doubt they would be willing to replace it. I think that I am supposed to have ScreenLogic, my pool builder told me I'd be able to control everything from an app on my phone, but I am totally new to this. I'm coming from having the schedule simply programmed into my VS pump (which took me 5 minutes to figure out). I think I've figured out some of the options on the panel, and I've been watching some YouTube videos that confirmed some of my guesses. But I'm still missing something because I cannot get the pump to power on, yet. I'm going to try to figure out how to get ScreenLogic to communicate with my EasyTouch panel.
Am I supposed to have a piece of this system that goes indoors and physically connects to my router? Because I don't.
I can't answer ScreenLogic questions. But something more basic and essential: You should have a black RS-485 serial cable connecting the pump to the ET. This is how the 2 devices talk to each other. If you're missing this cable, you need to get one from your installer.

In normal operation, when the ET is controlling the pump via RS-485 in Auto mode, the pump LCD panel should read "Display not active" and the pump buttons should be disabled.
I can't answer ScreenLogic questions. But something more basic and essential: You should have a black RS-485 serial cable connecting the pump to the ET. This is how the 2 devices talk to each other. If you're missing this cable, you need to get one from your installer.

In normal operation, when the ET is controlling the pump via RS-485 in Auto mode, the pump LCD panel should read "Display not active" and the pump buttons should be disabled.
I do have the cable connecting the VS pump to the panel, and the LCD is showing "Display not active" so I knew it knew it was being controlled by the panel.

The panel is the tricky part, but, I'm happy to report that I've figured out how to get the pump to turn on! I was able to configure a low speed "pool" circuit speed in the scheduler. Now I have it running at 1350 RPM which I think is good enough to circulate chemicals and clean out any plaster dust. I'll just run that 24/7 until I figure out how to program in a higher speed. Getting the pump running was my biggest concern and I was slightly worried (or maybe verging on panic) about not being able to clean or balance my freshly plastered pool. I'm grateful for you and @Jimrahbe answering my questions late at night.

I think I have the little antenna connected to my ET panel, but I was never given any kind of control panel, remote, adapter, or anything else that goes inside. I think that is the piece I'm missing to be able to connect my ET panel to ScreenLogic. I'm going to call the Pool Builder in the morning to ask about this.

Also, this is related to the panel but not programming it, but should there be anything connected to the bonding lugs on the outside of the panel?
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Not sure if this was explained in a previous post.
I have easytouch and use screenlogic and slconfig apps. You will need an antenna connected to the panel outside (oval equipment in the link) and two pieces of equipment inside the house. One should be connected directly to the router using a Cat6 cable (white Equipment) which is connected to another piece of equipment (square equipment) that connect to the panel through the antenna. See link below for the equipment needed.

Screenlogic is only to control equipment, SLconfig is for programming. Never tried the PC app but I never needed to go deep in the programming. I use SLconfig to program pump modes and speeds.

I would suggest you post a picture of the panel, inside. Just to confirm that you have an EasyTouch.

The little white and black thing hanging out of the bottom of your EasyTouch is the air temp sensor and has nothing to do with ScreenLogic.

The EasyTouch and ScreenLogic have to talk with one another. They do this through a device called a Protocol Adapter, which is normally inside your house and connected to your home network.

The EasyTouch can be hardwired to the protocol adapter.. (I would suggest that you don't..) Or it can be connected using a set of wireless transceivers.

Show us a pic of your Automation with the door open so that we can all be on the same page.


Jim R.

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Jim, I know that's the air temperature sensor, that picture was meant to show my bonding lugs with nothing connected. I also have a water temp. sensor which is connected but not installed into the plumbing, but that's another story...

I have the ScreenLogic antenna in the little oval box, connected to my panel outside. What I seem to be missing is the protocol adapter and the wireless adapter for it that are supposed to go inside. I never received those.


The normal kit includes an outside antenna (transceiver) and an inside antenna (transceiver) and Protocol adapter.

The outside antenna is useless without the inside equipment. Contact your pool builder and get the 'lost' parts.

You do have you an EasyTouch, and it will work just fine for your pool. The fact that is obsolete does not mean a thing, as it can last a lifetime.

Programming with ScreenLogic takes minutes and is almost intuitive. Programming with the little LCD can be done but it is clunky and is hard to explain. It is not hard to do, it is just hard to explain in text..

The basic concept for running the pump is to set the Pool Circuit for the lowest speed you ever want to run. In your case, since you have a SWCG, that speed would be the speed that turns on the SWCG's flow switch plus about 100 RPM.

Then you can "add" speeds.. You increase speeds by using Feature Circuits. Below are some screenshots that give you an idea of how this works. My pool circuit is set to run at about 1200 RPM, the I have Feature Circuits that are called Skim low, Skim high, and Waterfall.. Each of them has a speed assigned.

The key to understanding this is to realize that when the pump sees two or more speeds it will always run the fastest one, and that the Pool Circuit should be on for the entire time you want the pump to run.

If the Pool circuit is on by itself, my pump runs at about 1200 RPM. (The SWCG will be on)
If I also turn on the Skim Low circuit, the pump will speed up to 1500 RPM
If I then turn on Skim High, the speed will go up to 2000.
If I turn off Skim low, nothing will happen as Skim high is still on.

If I turn on Skim low all by itself, the pump will run at 1500, but the SWCG will be off, because we are not in the pool or spa mode.

Here is a Screenshot that helps tie Circuits, Circuit Names, and Circuit Functions together. Look at the column titles... Notice that the EasyTouch comes with fixed Circuits.. You can't change them. But what you can do is Rename them.

Take the Aux 1 circuit.. To the EasyTouch it will always be Aux 1, but you can name it anything you want. You can name it Art if you want. It does not make it an "Art", it is still Aux 1, the name is just what you want to call it.

Circuit functions should normally be Generic unless there is some specific thing you want the circuit to do. Color lights use a circuit functions of "IntelliBrite", but for most everything else leave the Circuit Function as generic.

Not sure that helps, but it should get you pointed in the right direction. If not, start asking specific questions.


Jim R.
Ok, I called the pool builder and told him what I'm missing. He said they have those parts... I'm a little baffled why they didn't leave them here with me, but he said they will have someone bring them by. I explained that I wanted it for programming the schedules, and he said they normally do that stuff, but didn't this time because I said I'd do it myself - which is true! I said I'd give it a try myself (partly because they said they'd charge extra for programming it, partly because I didn't think it would be so difficult). However, I think it's going to become a lot easier to program when I have the ScreenLogic parts that I'm supposed to have. To me, that makes it even more puzzling why they didn't leave me the stuff in the first place. When were they planning on bringing them by? I paid for them, after all.

Jim, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your time answering my questions. I was able to stumble through the menus and figure a few things out on the panel itself, but it's an absolutely unintuitive interface. I sort of understand that I'm supposed to set up different feature circuits for different speeds, but I haven't figured out how to program those into the schedule just yet. It doesn't help that it was 100 degrees last night at 9 PM, with humidity in the 30s and no breeze, while I was sitting outside trying to figure it all out. I'm hoping it will become more clear when I can do it via ScreenLogic from the comfort of indoors. After the schedules are configured through SL, do the menus on the panel itself reflect those?

I also need to get the light configured (Pentair Intellibrite 5G) with the panel/ScreenLogic so I can set colors or themes or whatever. But that's a lower priority.

Again, thank you, and I'm sure I will have more questions when I get my ScreenLogic parts and have it set up.

I suspect your pool builder knows that with ScreenLogic things are so simple that you don't need them. So he just kept the parts to get you to give up... :mrgreen:
Hah! At $700 he'd better be giving me those parts... :ROFLMAO:

For the lights, I went into the Lights > Config menu, and didn't seem to be able to add a light. The light is wired to aux relay 1, and turns on when I press the button, but changing color/theme settings is still a mystery so far. It seems the panel needs to be configured to know that's a light on that circuit.

Go into the menu and find Circuit Names.. Change Aux 1 to Lights. Save
Go into the menu and find Circuit Functions.. Change Aux 1 Function from generic to "IntelliBrite" Save.


Jim R.
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Here is a Screenshot that helps tie Circuits, Circuit Names, and Circuit Functions together. Look at the column titles... Notice that the EasyTouch comes with fixed Circuits.. You can't change them. But what you can do is Rename them.

Take the Aux 1 circuit.. To the EasyTouch it will always be Aux 1, but you can name it anything you want. You can name it Art if you want. It does not make it an "Art", it is still Aux 1, the name is just what you want to call it.

Circuit functions should normally be Generic unless there is some specific thing you want the circuit to do. Color lights use a circuit functions of "IntelliBrite", but for most everything else leave the Circuit Function as generic.

Not sure that helps, but it should get you pointed in the right direction. If not, start asking specific questions.
Maybe I have different software version, but how do I get to this view? How do I get to the menu to add circuits?
Ok, I think I need ScreenLogic configurator. Where do I find it?? Pentair's website is as unnavigable as their EasyTouch interface...
Nevermind that, it's part of the app. You just open it before logging in. How intuitive...
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Did you get the inside transceiver and the Protocol Adapter???

All my screenshots are from my PC which is 10 x better to use than the phone..

Not much that you can do via ScreenLogic unless you have it connected to your EasyTouch.

You can't add circuits.. Circuits come preloaded into the EasyTouch. You decide what you want each circuit to do, by how things are wired...

Aux Circuits each have a relay.. So whatever is wired to the relay works when you turn the circuit on
Feature Circuit are just like Aux Circuits, except the do not have a relay. You use Feature Circuits to control Valves and Pump Speeds.

If you wire you lights to say the Aux 1 Circuit, then Aux 1 becomes how you control your lights.


Jim R.

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