HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to turn

Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Ok just stirred it/scrubbed it and there was NO gunk at the bottom. Nada. There were maybe a handful of leaves and i fished them out with the net. Brad said the bottom felt smooth and it hadn't felt that way before.

One other idea....if there is sand in the bottom which it felt like i was walking on, could it be that the filter needs sand? I know i'm suppose to wait to change my media, but if that pump doesn't have enough sand or is having issues, wouldn't that be a reason my water is still cloudy? Just a hunch.

It seems like the bleach has done it's job. It's killed all of that HUGE amount of algae i had. We, finally, did our part and have vacuumed and stirred and scrubbed for days and it seems only a few leaves may remain. Isn't it now up to the filter to clear the water? Which it doesn't seem to be doing?

Just thoughts thrown out there....
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

The pressure was almost to 16 when i got home. I backwashed and it is now, as the pic shows, around 13 or 14. That is the baseline point. It barely moves honestly. Around 3 points is the most it's moved since we started.
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

I haven't chimed in before but have been following your progress and just wanted to send you a great big HANG IN THERE! I'm impressed at your diligence and hope the reward of clear water at the end makes it all worth it!
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Bethy that means the world to me...truly. I love my lurkers as well as my "chimers" and peeps that are so diligent helping me with caring advice and charts and thoughts and guidance and support. It's just amazing to me. REALLY wonderful people on this site. Ya'll ROCK....ALL OF YA!!
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Ok.. I think you have to stop backwashing so much. A sand filter actually filters better when it's dirty. Mine starts around 12-13 psi and I don't even think about touching it until around 23ish. Then I usually forget about it until 25ish.

Papa Smurf will be along shortly if I'm wrong because this is a conversion, but that's how it rolls normally.

Hang in there, it's only day 14, if I counted that right! I've watched conversions that have taken much longer to get to this point!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

you did pop the top on the filter and looked at the sand, right? Or was that another thread I was reading?

Please don't make me go back and read 500 messages. :shock:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Kias i won't make you go read. this thread is quickly becoming a novel. No, i have no clue how to take off my lid. LOL I'm tired can you tell? 14 hours working today and no ending in sight. I'll most likely be up awhile. Maybe i am back-washing too much? No clue. I think i'm doing what was instructed which was to backwash when it went up 2-3 pdsim.mouse (whatever those abbreviations are). But, i don't know for sure. But, come to think of it, i've never seen it go up past 16...does that mean anything?

And wow. I looked back and actually i think i started this on June 11 so it's really just been 12 days? For real? OMG seems like months!!!!!
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

I doubt the filter is low on sand. Did you feel a lot of sand? If the filter lost enough sand to reduce it's ability there would be a lot of sand and you would see a lot of sand when you vacuumed to waste. Do you have the type of filter that has a multiport on to or does it break apart in the middle? I suggest you keep on doing what you are doing this weekend. Hopefully by Monday you will have received the word on flock. You might want to have your son do a complete vacuuming to waste.even if you do not flock.

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Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

It felt like it does when you walk in the water at the ocean a little. Not that much but it was a sig amount and it was only around where the thing is that shoots the water back in. I didn't feel it anywhere else. Can you tell by looking at my filter on the prev page which type i have? I have no clue how to get in there and look. I've never opened it.
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

I think the standard recommendation is to backwas after an increase of 5. But as you can see different people have different standards. It is true that sand will let a lot of small particles through when it is clean. As it traps particles the traped particles combine with sand to trap smaller particles, so letting the pressure rise a little more before you backwash may help.
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Our recommendation is to backwash when the filter pressure goes up 25% which, for a clean pressure of 13 psi (as in NikiBelle's case), would mean at about 16-17 psi.

NikiBelle, since your pressure was at 16 today when you backwashed, your filter is working and catching debris, so keep on going.

NikiBelle said:
It seems like the bleach has done it's job. It's killed all of that HUGE amount of algae i had. We, finally, did our part and have vacuumed and stirred and scrubbed for days and it seems only a few leaves may remain. Isn't it now up to the filter to clear the water? Which it doesn't seem to be doing?
If you are still loosing more than 1 ppm overnight (step 7 in the conversion instructions), then your chlorine is still getting rid of the baqua (and possibly algae). Don't stop now!
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

HI NickiBelle ~ I've been following along too. As others have, I admire your perserverance, as well as the humor from yourself and others throughout the thread. Easy for us to admire when you're doing all the work, right?
Just wanted to share that I've been where you're at. You're on day 12?
Thought you might like to see these. I did my conversion in 2010. It was a few days after that May 23rd pic that it totally cleared, but this was a great sight that morning!
Hang in there hun, it will be so worth it!!!! And be SURE to copy and paste all the posts in this thread. Put them in a log or a diary for your reading enjoyment when you're deckside admiring your lovely water, your efforts in achieving it, and your newfound chemical knowledge!!! :party:


  • Baqua2chlorine2010pool.jpg
    66.6 KB · Views: 88
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Yes, it appears you have a multiport on top of the filter. It comes off and you can look inside to see the sand. Here is a wiki that I found that describes how to take the multiport off. ... and_filter
It also describes how to remove and refill the sand. Once you have the top off you can look in and see the sand. The sand should be near the top.
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Jule....Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about making me feel better!!!!!

Thank you for posting those pics and that info so much!!! THERE IS HOPE!!!!!

*gets a little spring in my step again....

Wow to you too Txmat!!!! I'll take a look at that and see how to do it. Can't hurt to look in there now can it? Thanks!!!!!!
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

NikiBelle said:
Do you remember how many days you went from that to clear by chance?

The first photo of the cloudy (out of focus) pool was at about 8pm on day 3. The second photo was at 10am on day 4. From there I think it took about another 5 days of shocking until my CC level was zero and I was passing the OCLT. I spent several of those days hitting it HARD as well, shocking anytime I could. I'd HATE to see how much chlorine I sent up to the sun.

I also at one point hit a CC level of almost 20. A mark I'm still proud of. :D During those two photo's I think my CC level was about 8 still.....and the FC level was zero (lost all chlorine overnight). You're at the point in the swap where things start to slow some. Take a look at the other swap going on right now....he too has cloudy water, yet is at zero CC and is passing the OCLT. Sometimes the sand filters just take a few day's to work well. Once you are able to find the last few CC's and keep chlorine in the pool overnight, then you can add some CYA and the cost will drop BIG TIME. The look of the water isn't as much of a good sign, as is the fact that your CC is dropping.....and your FC is creeping higher each time you test. Both signs that stuff is starting to turn in your favor.

As for a little boost.......
Start of my Baquacil swap

After the swap
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

Those are great pics!!!! Thanks for sharing and it does help. CC of 20? Wow!!!! That's amazing!!! You are right about how it is starting to go for me. Things are slowing. Gosh i've went 3 whole days without buying bleach!!!! There for a week i was going ever single day buying 15-25 huge bottles of that stuff. That's incredible to me how it has really slowed.

I'll have to poke my head in the other thread that is converting tomorrow and give some support. Right now i can barely hold my head up and i'm going to bed. LOL.

Have a great night all!!!!!
Re: HELP i'm in a complete mess and don't know which way to

I'm the same 9am until 10pm Fri-Sun

Yet for some reason the darn internet always sucks me in late at night. :D

Night Night!!!

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