Hello from Austin Tx

Welcome fellow Texan. Did your pool and pool equipment survive the recent Valentine freeze?
Keep us updated on your needs. Lots of help on this forum.
Thank you for asking. We came through the freeze just fine. One JVA chewed up the diverter valve insert. I contacted Jandy as they have been great in the past. They gave no advice, just call a pool guy. The pool guys were all busy fixing busted pipes so I changed the insert myself. The other JVA that controls the suction side is my current problem. I thought it was a bad actuator so I put on a new one and it is not moving either. I posted under actuator problem but no answers yet. If the actuator turns from the other board connection does that mean I need a whole new board? Any thoughts?
If the actuator turns from the other board connection does that mean I need a whole new board? Any thoughts?
Did you switch the connection to each JVA on the board? That would tell you if you have a board/connection issue or if it is a JVA issue.