Hello from an excited Newbie in Bixby Oklahoma!!

Wonder how much it would cost to fly to Bixby??? to have a talk to some workers gurrrrr!

OH nini :(

I agree with Kim. If I thought I could help or do better than you, Denise, I'd get up there. But your patience and steadfast focus amaze me. For what it's worth, we're behind you and will support you any way we can.

Take another deep breath and stay strong!! :super: (super woman Nini!)

Thanks everyone!

I sent a picture to my PB...haven't spoken to him yet. I don't know what happened, but that is my oil rubbed bronze finish coming off.
I just can not believe all of this...
I almost didn't post that picture because I just want to post about GOOD things already!!! I'm just worn out over this whole thing.

Hoping they don't show up to plaster tomorrow. My tiles haven't been set yet.

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry to hear about all your problems... I'm sort of using is as a guide as our project keeps getting into gear (plumbing next week).

Oh goodness! Please don't use my build as a guide... It's like going through the looking glass into Wonderland...not as fun a place as it looks. :/
You poor thing! So much stress lately for you and your family. I'm sure your PB will make it right.

Weren't you disappointed with the wall that those fixtures are on? IF they have to tear it out to replace them maybe they could "fix" the pattern that was disappointing to you at the same time. I don't mean to throw gas on the fire - just trying to find a silver lining for you.

You're always so kind and supportive in your comments on other threads - this just makes me sad for you!! :(
Thanks everyone!

I sent a picture to my PB...haven't spoken to him yet. I don't know what happened, but that is my oil rubbed bronze finish coming off.
I just can not believe all of this...
I almost didn't post that picture because I just want to post about GOOD things already!!! I'm just worn out over this whole thing.

Hoping they don't show up to plaster tomorrow. My tiles haven't been set yet.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh goodness! Please don't use my build as a guide... It's like going through the looking glass into Wonderland...not as fun a place as it looks. :/

I'm sorry, I know you are just so frustrated and down :(

From other posts it sounds like your PB is a good guy/guys so I am sure they will fix.

Still doesn't help feeling down and out though :(

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Oh an nini, I KNOW you can take care of this and will do an awesome job doing so BUT I want to make things happy and easy for you. That is why I teased about flying out there. It was because I did not think you could take care of it. I just want help.


Oh an nini, I KNOW you can take care of this and will do an awesome job doing so BUT I want to make things happy and easy for you. That is why I teased about flying out there. It was because I did not think you could take care of it. I just want help.



Hey Kim, I think it's a great idea for you to fly up there! No one messes with Kim! And, you're super at getting things done. Sure, Nini can handle it, but she's bound to be worn out from all of this. Tell you what, since I'm lousy at being tough with contractors, I'll pay for you, Kim, to fly up there. You can give the one-two to whoever needs it while giving Nini a break!! J/K (but pm me if you really want to go....)
Nini, I'm so sorry to hear about the new problems after all you've been through.

It's not easy building a pool but at least you have a PB that you can talk to and reason with. Not like mine.

It will all work out and you will be swimming in your beautiful pool very soon. :paddle:
Oh an nini, I KNOW you can take care of this and will do an awesome job doing so BUT I want to make things happy and easy for you. That is why I teased about flying out there. It was because I did not think you could take care of it. I just want help.



Hey Kim, I think it's a great idea for you to fly up there! No one messes with Kim! And, you're super at getting things done. Sure, Nini can handle it, but she's bound to be worn out from all of this. Tell you what, since I'm lousy at being tough with contractors, I'll pay for you, Kim, to fly up there. You can give the one-two to whoever needs it while giving Nini a break!! J/K (but pm me if you really want to go....)

Headed to work so I only have a quick minute, but just wanted to say that I just love you ladies! Kim, I was not in the least offended by your post. I felt the hugs from you both!

PB and I are in the process of working it out. They are contacting the manufacturer. I may have them sand off the finish and have the plain copper and move on.

Replaster is Wednesday morning.

Thank you to The BraLady, bdrex28, TM, chiefweg, PAgirl, and anyone I may have missed (sorry!) for your kind words, encouragement, support and prayer! This, too, shall pass...someday!

County assessor was just here to make sure we pay more taxes next year for our increased propert values...yay ;)

You are so patient with them. I only wish I was as patient (as I'm getting ready to stomp my feet and throw a fit with the fence builder so we can pass pre-plaster inspection). I know you said that you may just take off the finish and let them be copper but don't choose that option out of fatigue. Pick the option that you will be happy with long-term.
Nini, you don't want to look at your scuppers and have them remind you of what you could have had if they hadn't messed up! I know you are weary from all of the troubles, but unless you will be happy with them copper, then don't settle. You ordered them with that finish because that is what you wanted. You really deserve that!
There are metal refinishers that work on commercial and office buildings. I'm sure your area has them. If it can be put on, they can take it off. If it's taken off they can put it back on. The good ones are really amazing. They do a lot of work here in Chicago on building entries and elevator cabs. Stuff that gets a lot of wear and tear. I'll look online and see what I find in your area.
Upon closer inspection of your photo, it almost looks like those scuppers are porcelainized, and a piece delaminated. Kind of like when you dent an old washer or dryer and the coating flakes off. In that case I'm not sure what can be done. The link I'm giving you has a multitude of DIY metal finishing products. Not sure if any would fit your need, but here it is.
I appreciate the encouragement to stick to my original choices and not settle out of weariness. I am weary, and stressed, and anxious, and exhausted with all of this.

My concern is that there is no guarantee they won't all delaminate at some point. I have no idea how this happened or when it happened. PB was sounding like he only wanted to do something about the one showing damage. Upon closer inspection, the finish on the other two are a bit chewed up from the stone construction (of course, no one was careful) and with small perforations in the clear coat, the exact same thing could potentially happen. I told him if they replace it, I want them all replaced with plain copper ones. They will develop a green/blue patina over time which I do like but was not really the look I wanted. But, from the way the PB responded, it made me nervous every that it would cost me more $$$ to do that. Not to mention the time and mess in my filled and plastered pool. I called the manufacturer yesterday to ask about my scuppers. These are their regular copper scuppers with a patina applied and clear coated. It won't hurt a thing if the finish comes off. It's purely cosmetic. Because of this, I texted PB and told him if the could figure out a way to remove the finish on all 3 scuppers, that would be an acceptable option to me. I haven't heard back.

BigEinAz- I looked at the link you shared (thank you!). They have some DIY stuff that looks interesting. If the scuppers look not great, I may just give that a go!

Trim tiles were reset today. Plaster in the morning. I'm getting up early to pick up breakfast burritos and donuts.

My patio cushions will be here this weekend. Hopefully pergola and firepit completion will be soon, like this week.

Have I told you all I'm ready to be done???

OH! Almost forgot!! My daughter and her 2 children came by this morning to tell me they are expecting!! This is grandbaby #7 and will be due (beginning of April) about 6 weeks after grandbaby #6 (Valentine's Day). All of my grandchildren have come in pairs except one. I'm overjoyed and already need a bigger pool!!
A baby! A baby! Will she find out what it is before the birth?? OH a baby! Now that is something to look forward to for sure!

Plaster in the morning! Sweet! Here are all my fingers, toes, legs, arms crossed! I will be checking in for updates as they happen!



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