Hello all, new to forum

Raise your FC to shock level based on a CYA of 60 using [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. If you do not raise the FC to that level and maintain it at that level the SLAM Process process will take a long time.

It is advisable to maintain the SLAM Process until all three criteria are met. Crystal clear water is the first thing.

DO NOT use Floc. It is a marginal process at best and you absolutely never do it with a cartridge filter. It will ruin your filters.
Thanks MK ...

8/15/18. 6p
10 FC

Added 2 gals of 6%

8/15/18. 8p
16 FC

not sure why this is low, pool calc said 2 gals...

anyway, maybe it’s fighting algae :)
added another gallon of 6%

and of course... in rolls thunderstorm

anyway, I will check again in the morning, I wanted to test before bed tonight to make sure it got high enough, but unless rain lets up, have to wait til morning.
Thanks MK ...

8/15/18. 6p
10 FC

Added 2 gals of 6%

8/15/18. 8p
16 FC

not sure why this is low, pool calc said 2 gals...

anyway, maybe it’s fighting algae :)
added another gallon of 6%

and of course... in rolls thunderstorm

anyway, I will check again in the morning, I wanted to test before bed tonight to make sure it got high enough, but unless rain lets up, have to wait til morning.

Whats the date code on the bleach? It will be a Julian date that will read 18xxx

A possibility is that your pool is a bit bigger than you thought, or over the course of the 2 hours it just consumed that much chlorine
Well, found out my issue this morning... I keep the pool calculator bookmarked, but it had reset to 10000 gals and I didn’t notice. Anyway, noticed that this morning and added 2g of bleach...

came home today
pool overflowing due to rain, pumped some out so slimmer is free. Retested:

FC 13
CYA 50

pool calc said 2.5 gal of bleach to get to 20 ... I added it but dang that’s a lot of bleach I have put in there...

However pool is pretty good now

keep slam going or test tonight for overnight check?
Thanks Dean and Yippee for the tips :)

The drain is on the wall, so you wont see it from that angle, but good idea to take that way next time. I can see the brush at the bottom, and when brushing I don't see any of the algae debris that usually gets swept off.

This morning my FC was at 16, so I went ahead and added enough bleach to get it back to 20 before work. I didn't get to test to see if it got high enough. Today is somewhat cloudy and muggy, but hopefully it will hold for awhile today.

I will be able to retest later today, after work. I am hoping to do overnight test tonight.

I have a couple questions:
1: Is there anyway to test CH without using so many drops? I already do the 10ml test, but plugging away 30-40 drops at a time is really eating through my bottle. I was thinking I could do a 50/50 mix with tap water, just need to test tap water to see what its natural CH is. Then just double count the drops?

2: I have read that two scoops of the powder isnt needed, that just one is needed. Does this still lead to accurate readings?

3: My daughter read the CYA test at about 42, while I read it at 52ish. Last night I read it closer to 50. We had quite a rain storm come through, probably about 4-5" of rain, which made my pool overflow, I am guessing that lowered my CYA some as I had to pump out some water. Also, I feel I read somewhere that CYA changes could take up to a week to register? Any truth to that?

4: What is a safe CH level to swim in? If I stop SLAM in the morning, then my CH will probably be around 18 or so. Is that too high to swim in?

5: Is it safe to run my robot at these high CH levels ? (20ish PPM) or should I wait till it lowers to normal levels?

Thanks again for all the help guys, will get a picture again tonight. On a side note, I have put so much bleach into this pool !! It just doesn't feel right yet :)

I think tonight I will rinse out filters since pool shows no green, I don't expect them to be very dirty.
Tommy, I am getting confused by your use of the "CH" term? Do you really mean CH=calcium hardness...or did you mean FC?

If you really meant to say FC, go ahead and swim *up to the SLAM level* It's safe.. I'd suggest wearing an older swimsuit though!

As for the CYA test- if you find the dot disappearing yet it is above the 40 line, you read that as 50. And so on, as anything over the whole number is the next whole number. So your test will always be read as either 30, 40, 50, 60 and so on.

If you mean you're using up your FC/CC test reagents fast, go ahead and use 5mL of water and each drop of reagent will be worth 1ppm. It isn't quite exact that way but close. And go ahead and order up some replacement reagents now so you don't run out- TFTestkits.net

Did I hit all your questions??

Maddie :flower:
Oops yea FC :)

8/16/2018 415p
FC 16
CC < 0.5
PH 7.4
ALK 60-70

So I’ve added the chlorine it said to in pool calc (just under a gal of 8%) (sun off pool by 5p)

So, should I try over night test ? Having people to swim tomorrow so really don’t want to add more bleach if I don’t have to.

Still wouldn’t mind some advice if robot is ok to run at these high FC levels?

as usual thanks for the help

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Will do, I brought my son down to show him all the bottles of bleach, but his comment was “why is the pool so blue”, it’s been a few years since we have had the sparkling clear water :)

thinking of gettin a skimmer sock/bag to catch more debris. See if I can clear it up a bit.

I think I will try to find my pool online, see how many gals they say the pool is...
Busy couple of days getting ready for wife’s party last night :)

wow, pool looks really clear and nice. I decided to let the FC go for the day yesterday, measures about 14, but since we were gonna have swimmers I left it til this morning.

Readings this morning were...
FC 10
PH 7.5ish
TA 60
CH 125-150
CYA 35 !

so I had my wife test CYA with me, it is getting lower... or i sucked at reading it to begin with. I also read it about 40.

So slightly concerned it’s going to continue dropping... so will test it every other day??

no picture, but water is very clear, will try to get one up for comparison sake.

i had read somewhere that CYA can take up to a week to normalize from water exchanges, any truth to that?

also I looks up my pool on manufacturer website, looks like it’s 17,000 not 18,500 :)
Pool looking good. Clear.

had a few swimming last night, heater on.

08/19/2018. 930a
FC 9-10
CYA 35
CH 125-150

Sunny day

Aug 19 730p
FC 6ppm
CC 0-0.5
CYA 40 (35)

Added 3C Bleach from pool calc to raise 1PPM. A bit concerned it dropped so much, but this is my first run at maintenance, always been in SLAM mode.


Sorry pic isn’t very clear, I had to scale down and lower quality because I keep getting a quota error when trying to post pics.

Hi all,

Pool looks great, seems to eat through chlorine though...

tested again tonight, been testing every other night, readings...

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]8/23. 630p[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]FC 1.5
CC 0.0[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]PH 7.6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Alk 50[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]CYA 40

So put in
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]1.3 jugs 8.25 121oz bleach

so it seems my pattern is 1.5 jugs of 8.25 every other day..

seem high ?

what about my other numbers?[/FONT][/FONT]

That amount of chlorine addition doesn't sound too far off... You should expect to lose 1-4 ppm/day in the summer.

It is easy to go in pool math and see how much liquid chlorine that equals. Getting stronger concentration liquid chlorine can reduce the overall volume needed, of course. If you had 12.5% you would use less.

Obviously if you have any kind of organic / algae issue, you will expect to eat up even more chlorine than that baseline.
Thanks for info, I should be able to test tonight, to see what a typical day leeches out :) I raised it to 7 last night (according to pool math), been kinda cloudy, kinda sunny today.

But out of bleach, so going to have to get some. Where do I get 12.5 bleach? That seems a bit easier, I guess my best bet is to find whatever it takes everyday, if its 1 gal of 6 then just go pour that in, no measuring lol

Anyway, the pool couldnt be any clearer, I will try to get a pic, but the sun isnt out

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