Greenish cloudy water

Woke up this morning to a FC chlorine of 3.5 with a small puddle of dead algae dirt at the bottom - less than previous days but was hoping for none of it (grrr). CCs are still 0and I did a CYA test - which shows right around 30+.

So I continue to SLAM today with one additional question - since I have the sock floating with the granule stabilizer still should I remove that now that the test is good???
Thanks timerguy. I'm also losing track of what it is supposed to be - I thought 30, but the pool calc defaults to 40. I just realized I messed up the math a little (shocker :/) and since I tested the CYA this morning and I know it's a 30 I should now be slamming to a 12, not a 10 FC level as I have been doing. Mistake corrected starting NOW. (Only slightly more than a half day went by so hopefully I didnt lose too much time.)

Fingers crossed I knock this down tonight. Works starts again tomorrow and limits my ability to do this every hour or so!!!!
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My question is whether taking the FC up to shock level every night -- then letting it drop off by 50 to 75 percent overnight -- is really slamming? It seems to me that FC is not being *maintained* sufficiently to kill off the bad stuff.

Which is more important in the slamming process: the initial target FC or the maintained FC? Is it ever advisable to 'overchlorinate' in order to keep from falling below the slam level?

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Tested my water at 8 PM ET tonight and FC was registering at a 10. My CCs were still a .5 which I know is acceptable, but I was very annoyed to see that as my CCs all day have been 0. I'll let that stop bothering me if my FC holds at a 12 until the morning.

Went to bed with a FC of 16 and woke up to a 12. Not a huge miss, but more than I was hoping for. Little pile of dead algae is the smallest I've seen yet. So from a SLAM perspective, I was originally losing almost all FC overnight, then progressed to about 50% then to about 25%, but I'm guessing this is what typically happens as you gain traction. Passing soon is key as the greenish hue from the metal stains is wearing on my patience :/
Make sure that you are testing the water before the sun comes up and shines on the pool. Set your alarm for 5am and get out there. :goodjob:
Casey - I just had that same epiphany. I tested it just now, no direct sunlight on the pool but clearly the sky is bright enough for me to see the pool walking to it.

Water is crystal clear and there is essentially ZERO stuff in the bottom of it so it has to do with that! I tested to a 12 this morning, so I'm guessing that's my morning burnoff rate - 25%!

I'll continue to SLAM today to make sure that it is fully killed off and test first thing in the AM - ah the joy!!!

So two days now of testing earlier and earlier in the morning and I still can't pass the overnight test. Two nights ago we had some rain so I'll let that one slide. Last night though I got a 13.5 on what I thought was SLAMing to a 16 but when my husband did the test last night told me was a 20. So either way - 16 or 20 - I still didn't pass it. We *may* have had some rain last night as well but the ground wasn't wet enough for me to say that could have been a cause. So I continue to SLAM today but geez louise, when does this end??!!

My POP levels are running low!

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