Greenish cloudy water

Still think there's a little confusion...

When you do the FC test, you put the DPD powder in, then R-0871 until it clears. For the CC test, take the same sample, add 5 drops of R-0003. Then count drops of R-0871 until it clears again.

I wish I could say we were doing the test wrong, but that is exactly what we do. For the second half of the test, when testing for CC, we (my husband and I both did this on separate occasions today) add up to 20 drops of the R-0003 solution, and it does not clear or go back to even a lighter shade of pink. Reality is we have to be doing the test somewhat remotely close to correctly, because when I first started this on Monday, the first test results got me a 2.5 CC. Right after we SLAMed with bleach, the next test result netted a 0 test result for CC.

Right around 9PM he grabbed water from the pool, and we tested the FC by adding the small heaping scoop of the DPD powder to the pool water. He did the FC test and it read 16. Using the same water he started adding the R-0003 solution to test for CCs. After adding 20 drops to the water there is no change.
So sorry all - let me go through the steps here holistically that we did (the test is being executed as I have written here, I'm getting mixed up on what I typed above):

1 - 10 ml of pool water in the chlorine only tube.
2 - Small heaping scoop of the DPD powder. Solution turns pink.
3 - Add the R-00871 solution until the water turns clear. Tonight when my husband did that he got to 32 drops, so we get a FC level of 16 from that.
4 - Using the same solution after it's turned clear, add 5 drops of the R-00003 solution. It turns back to pink.
5 - Once it's pink, we start readding the R-00871 solution again and count the drops. Tonight, we counted up to 20 of those drops before we stopped. Figuring that once we hit 10, we had an issue and just stopped with the drops.

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If you have 10+ CC's then you need to keep SLAM'ing and make sure you're not using a solar cover so the sun can burn some of those CC's off too.
Casey - Thanks! No solar cover (well, we have one, but havent even attempted to put it on yet given the issues we're having.) Could the sudden spike in CCs be semi-relevant/caused by the overcast dreary days in NJ the last two days (with rain sprinkled in there too)? IE I'm slamming with chlorine but no sun isn't burning off some of the 'stuff'?
Can you go to Pet Smart tomorrow and pick up an ammonia test kit for fish tanks and test the pool water and report back to us please?

I just read through the whole tread and it seems that you *may* have a very sick pool. Ammonia... It usually affects in ground pools. :( Lets confirm that with the test if you can get one. ;)
So sorry all - let me go through the steps here holistically that we did (the test is being executed as I have written here, I'm getting mixed up on what I typed above):

1 - 10 ml of pool water in the chlorine only tube.
2 - Small heaping scoop of the DPD powder. Solution turns pink.
3 - Add the R-00871 solution until the water turns clear. Tonight when my husband did that he got to 32 drops, so we get a FC level of 16 from that.
4 - Using the same solution after it's turned clear, add 5 drops of the R-00003 solution. It turns back to pink.
5 - Once it's pink, we start readding the R-00871 solution again and count the drops. Tonight, we counted up to 20 of those drops before we stopped. Figuring that once we hit 10, we had an issue and just stopped with the drops.

Ok, now we're on the same page. Yes, You're doing it right, and yes, your CCs are out of control. Either way, the only prescription is more SLAM.
So first test this morning (not necessarily before sunrise, but no direct sun and barely any at all as it's dark and overcast in NJ today): FC is at an 11 and CC is around 5 or 6 (I'll estimate that one there to be conservative).

So with CYA in the pool, the FC held longer than it has at all! With my CC's dropping, is my pool as sick as we thought originally based on last night's results?
One hour ago we tested and the FC was up again to 16 and the CCs were around 2. We just tested now and the FC was down to 12 but the CC was up to 6. Does that seem like a cause and effect? We just redid the CYA test and got the level of 10 this time, but we did have some rainfall last night and added a little water to the pool as levels were getting to the low side on the skimmer. I will retest FC and CC at noon and see where it is.
Recent test shows FC at a 10 but the CCs are back up to around a 7 or 8. Is it possible some pools have a higher SLAM level? IE should I try to get my FC to a 12 since I'm running lower on CYA? I know typically the higher the CYA the higher SLAM level, but I'm wondering if I can get it to a 12 and retest CCs if I will see a different result.

We are vacuuming now to get the dead stuff off the bottom (so whatever we are doing based on everyones advice is working btw :) )
Looked through some older threads and see that really the way to control the CCs is with the bleach and SLAMing. I checked pool calc and it said to go from a 10 to a 12 you should add 81 oz. I added a 64 oz bottle of 8.25 % - I'll take it from there in another 45 minutes and see if I can get the CCs down again.

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