For anyone on the fence about getting a SWG


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Jun 26, 2015
Concord, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-30 Plus
Go for it! While I aspire to be a master of the pool water like the TFP experts here are, I will admit I'm a manic owner at best. Periods of love and hours of devotion to cleaning testing, etc followed by times of ignoring the pool completely when something more pressing is happening.

I've had a couple Intexs over the years, when last year the 2nd one completely stopped working I switched to being a liquid chlorine pool owner. Was not a fun summer, you can not go a week without adding chlorine to the pool, I was in a self induced SLAM lifestyle.

This spring I researched and bit the bullet on a "real" SWG. The last 6 weeks has been me working long hours followed by spare time redecorating a motor home and 90% neglecting the pool. Would pull back the cover a few feet to cool off for 10 or 15 minutes, but that was about it. Yesterday after being gone for over a week with no one checking the levels, I took the cover off and besides some leaves and dead bugs, the pool was completely clear. My PH was WAAYYY high, but I'm dealing with that now.

Long story short, they really make maintaining FC levels in your pool a lot easier. 10/10 would buy again and wished I had purchased last year.
It was not cheap to run out and replace my IC60 when it reached its end of life. Like any other unwanted and unexpected expense, it was BOTH unwanted and unexpected. It’s one thing that I swear by it being the pool caretaker. When i mentioned to my wife that the SWG died she didn’t have a chance to blink before she asked me if I ordered a new one yet.
‘ Lol sweetie but thanks that we are on the same page.’
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