First season with a pool


New member
May 26, 2024
Northern Indiana
This is my first season with a pool i tried to explore the page and get a look around.
But I’ll start by i have a 24ft above ground ive vacuumed the pool. Water is pretty clear just cloudy with a slight blue/green hue. I just cleaned and replaced sand in the filter. Had my water tested by a pool store they told me i to add 15lbs of alkalinity then 3lbs of shock i did just that. Had the pool retested. They said to throw in 1lb of shock i did but pool still looks the same two days later. We did just have about an inch of rain yesterday.
Any ideas or help please.
Im using HTH advance shock granulate.

My test results.
FC - 0.29
TC - 0.29
CC - 0
PH - 7.2
Hardness - 175
Alkalinity - 106
CYA - 124
Copper - 0.4
Iron - 0.1
Phosphate 94
get a taylor test kit if you can since it’s more accurate than the pool store

assuming that the pool store is correct in their readings (which is probably not the case) your CYA is very high and chlorine is almost nil - even if you had chlorine in there, it likely couldn’t do much because your CYA is so high

start with getting a test kit and accurately test your CYA, if it’s indeed high you need to drain

don’t use anything except liquid chlorine as otherwise you’re adding things to your pool that you don’t otherwise need and can cause issues, i.e. your CYA is high atm so have to drain, etc.
Water is pretty clear just cloudy with a slight blue/green hue. I just cleaned and replaced sand in the filter. Had my water tested by a pool store they told me i to add 15lbs of alkalinity then 3lbs of shock i did just that. Had the pool retested. They said to throw in 1lb of shock i did but pool still looks the same two days later. We did just have about an inch of rain yesterday.
Sounds like my pool before coming here. Welcome to TFP!!!

The reason we don't rely on pool store testing here is that it is notoriously innacurate. We could do more harm to your pool because of faulty results.

Get a good test kit. Here are the ones we recommend. Link-->Test Kits Compared

Until you test kit comes, add 5ppm of liquid chlorine PER DAY, AND NOTHING ELSE, until you test kit come. You can use PoolMath to help you figure out how much chlorine is 5ppm. Link-->PoolMath

When your test kit arrives, post up your numbers and we will help you through next steps.

The likely next step may be to replace some water. We will help you. Once we have CYA in line, you will follow the SLAM process. Print this out and read it to prepare. Link-->SLAM Process

Does this really work? Proof link-->How Clear is TFP Clear?